Chapter 21

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"Heart beatin', my mind racin' up
You can hear the screams and sirens in the cut
Howdidthe trap foldup?
See a copper, gotta drop him
That'swhy I got the .9 in my pocket for
Got the drop before he kickin' down the door."
Roddy Rich "Prayers to the Trap God"


"Awww sh*t." I mumbled. I told Eva I was going to call her right after I left my doctor's appointment, but here I am looking at a post J.Cole made about his upcoming festival. She's going to see this and get on my *ss.

I'm not sick or anything. I'm just making sure I'm alright because sometimes you don't see the signs of an illness before it's too late. I had blood drawn a few weeks ago and I came to discuss the results with my doctor.

Let me call her before she does.

The phone rang a couple of times. I almost thought it was going to voicemail before she finally picked up. Her background was completely pitch black.

"Hey babe."

"Hey baby. You okay?" Her voice was low.

"Yeah. I was just trying to get some rest. I've had a headache since I woke up this morning."

"Are you thinking too much?"

"Not really?"

"Did you eat and are you hydrated?"

"Yes, Dr. East. I'm sure it's nothing. I turned off the lights to see if it would help. Hopefully it goes away before I go out with the girls tonight."

"If it doesn't, I don't want you to feel bad and force yourself to go. Your health matters. They'll understand."

"That's true, but enough about me. How were the test results?"

"They were pretty good except for my vitamin D deficiency. I don't know how when I'm often in the sun."

"You also need to eat foods and drink things that are high in vitamin D."

"You know I hate salmon. I do try to drink orange juice at least one a week."

"Well, you need to make adjustments to get it back to its normal level. Did your doctor give you a list or a prescription?"

"She gave me both. When I get home, I'll whip something up from the recommended food list. I'll see if I can bring you some. I know you miss my cooking."

"Something like that." She slightly chuckled.

"I'll let you rest for now and call you later."

"Okay love. Talk to you soon."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I got home in less than 20 minutes and put my chef hat, blasting some Bad Bunny in the background. That's my boy.

I emptied a bag of frozen shrimp into a bowl of water. I let it defrost as I pulled out nearly every spice jar from my top cabinet. I like my food well seasoned.

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