Chapter 12

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Elijah paced back-and-forth outside of the pub while he waited for William. After the lunch with Lady Elizabeth and her father was finally over, he made his way here. He needed William to help him find Katherine. He was never surer of anything in his life. He wanted to take her, run away with her, and live his life how he wanted. He wanted to be happy.

The supposed wedding was 4 days away, and he needed to act quickly. If there was any chance of finding her, it would take him at least two days. Then he would have to verify that she feels the same way he does. Even if she did, he had no idea if she would agree to run away with him. She had a mother and sisters back home. Was it selfish of him to ask her? Was it selfish of him to leave his own family behind?

"Elijah!" William called as he started walking up to Elijah. He had a concerned expression on his face. "Please tell me you are not going to run off again. The last time we met at this Pub, you took my clothes."

"I don't need your clothes. I need your help."

William crossed his arms over his chest. "The last time you said that we got caught drinking your father's whiskey when we were kids."

Elijah rubbed at his temples as a headache started to form. If William cap this up oh, they were going to get nowhere. "William, this is serious. I need to know if you happen to get the name of the driver who drove Katherine."

William frowned and dropped his arms. "Why? Is she alright?"

"She's fine. I need you to try and locate her. There are things I need to tell her. In person."

He could tell by Williams expression that he knew exactly what Elijah was implying. Instead of asking the question he already knew the answer to, William simply asked, "Do you have any information about her?"

Elijah let out a long breath before he answered. Unfortunately, the only information I know is her first name. I know that she is from a small town, she used to live with her mother and two sisters. She has curly red hair and likes to read. Also, she's a maid. Fairly new to the job."

"That's all? Elijah, I'm willing to help you, against my better judgment, but I need more information. It's going to be really hard to find her if I don't know more."

Elijah knew that he would say that. But he was desperate. "William, that's all I have. Please, just try to find her. Also, we are having dinner tonight with Lady Elizabeth and her father. I want you to be there."

William looked at Elijah like he was crazy. "That's a terrible idea! What if we get found out? What if Lady Elizabeth realizes that I was you?"

"She won't. She thinks you were me. Now, I need you there. Don't be late."

Elijah started walking away before he stopped and turned towards William. "Will? Please, do everything you can."

William got back to the Kent estate in a foul mood

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William got back to the Kent estate in a foul mood. He did not have good news for Elijah. He asked as many people in town as he could if they knew of a maid named Catherine. No one was able to give him any answers.

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