five ──── the nurse.

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I've never been happier! Ever since I met Obito I always had a crush on him. I never knew how to tell him, and I didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship, but when he asked me out- I was happy. Probably for the first time .. I felt genuinely happy.

Before I met Obito, I was alone. I was alone to the point of self-destruction. I never had any friends or family. Even the nurses switched out from time to time. Maybe they didn't want to stay and care. Maybe I was too much of a bother.

So, when Obito first talked to me I was skeptical. I didn't think that someone could make me happy. I didn't think that he would stick to me like glue.

And yet-

Here he is. Being by my side.



Obito's usual loud voice echoed into my room as he came to a stop beside my bed.

I looked a little pale with my skin ( color ) with dark circles under my eyes-discoloring the usual pigment of my ( color ) skin, but he still stayed. He wouldn't leave now, right? He's .. he's staying, right?

"Hey, Obito!"

I held out my arms to him as he took the signal to clamber up beside me in the bed.

His attention will always be wanted. I couldn't ask for anything better.

"Neh, y/n. I have a mission later..."

I started to run my hands through his hair as I took off his signature goggles, "m'kay. When will you be back?"

Am I acting too clingy? This is alright, right?

"Well, that's the thing. It's a mission dealing with a plan for the war. It'll probably be awhile before I see you again."


He's not leaving forever, right?

"I-I see. I hope you'll be safe."

He smiled brightly at me while giving me a big side hug, "of course! I'll always be safe if it means seeing you again!"

In that moment though, the new nurse that I got yesterday came bustling in. A syringe in hand.

I gulped and gripped Obito's sleeve for dear life.

I really do hate this new nurse.


I glared heavily at the nurse. Y/n had gotten her yesterday morning around 3 a.m, and when I came around much later to greet her lole every morning, well, y/n ended crying on my shoulder the whole time I was there.

She wouldn't tell me what was happening, but I had already gotten a pretty good idea.

No one is allowed to hurt y/n unless it was me ────not like I would anyway, right?──── and this nurse was making the biggest mistake of her life.

"Please leave Uchiha-san. I have to give y/n her medication, and you're in the way as per usual."

I glared her down as I held y/n tighter.

"I-it's fi-fine Obito. I-I'll be fi-fine."

I didn't believe it but left anyway. Even nurses could be scary.


I'll just go ahead and kill the nurse after she's done. I mean, that's what I did with all the others that her y/n. This one will be no different. Not to mention, that they were always .. just too close to y/n, and they always caused her unnecessary pain.

I don't care if it means keeping y/n in a bed for the rest of her life. She'll only need me and nobody else.


By the time the nurse was done I didn't go back in y/n's room. Instead, I followed the bustling nurse with a kunai in hand.

And, the moment that she went into a supply closet I quickly followed after.

"Hey," I said with venom dripping from my voice. I had already locked the supply closet's door.

"You think it's funny hurting y/n like that?"

The nurse started to shake and shiver as she gave me a scared look, but for some reason...the look didn't suit her. I would much rather see y/n scared instead, but only when I'm the one who's scaring her. ────wait no. i can't think like that.────

"I'm only d-doing my j-job!"

I smirked at her, "no need to lie. Just accept your fate. besides, is it your job to hurt people? is it your job to ruin people's mental health? no. It isn't."

When I killed her with the kunai in my hand, I didn't feel a thing. No emotion came to me as I stared down at the bloodied body on the hospital floor. it was a very quick death.

I better get rid of it.

So, I disposed of it like I did all the others.

I simply burned the body to ash with a fire style jutsu.

When I saw that there wasn't even any blood left, I happily left the closet after inspecting my own clothes for any blood.

Now~ to go and be with y/n before my mission later today!

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