Proper Introductions

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As promised, William prepared what may have been the most delicious breakfast any of them had ever indulged in. After a hectic morning of cleaning, fighting, throwing things, breaking things, yelling at Angel for throwing and breaking things, yelling at Nya for supporting Angel and then throwing and breaking things with Angel, yelling at both of them for trying to escape-

Let's just say It was a long morning. 

By the end of it they were all starving and tired and ready to turn on one another, and that's when it was decided they should eat.

The kitchen, this time, was empty when Will arrived. He started taking out all the groceries he'd gotten them this morning, getting the stove and sink ready as he hunted down some kitchen supplies. The kitchen was wonderful and modern, but it lacked many of the usual things a normal kitchen would. Like proper cooking and things.

The massive fridge was stocked full of takeout boxes, the pantry filled with easy cook means, and snack foods. Lucifer wasn't home very often to eat and it was obvious by how little there was to work with. Will would rather die then let them fall back into that routine, so he was making it his personal mission to make Lucifer and the others eat healthily. 

If there was anything Will would call his hobby, it was cooking. He loved to cook, he loved food and all the things that came along with it. His whole life had been one long shit show of army training and beatings and fistfights. He was never in control, always pushed to work harder or faster, whether it was his father or his commanders pushing him to the breaking point. 

Growing up, Will felt like he didn't fit in with the others. 

Lucifer and Nya were beyond smart. Their memories where near perfect, which made it easy to learn new languages or study difficult subjects. 

Angel had to work a lot harder to understand the schooling his parents had forced upon him, but he always found a creative outlet, and he was always very good at whichever art form he would practice. 

Will wasn't like that. He didn't excel at school or art or socializing. He struggled with nearly everything that wasn't related to his training, and the training only added to his stress in a way that would break him sooner rather than later. 

Lucifer's mother had actually been the person to introduce him to cooking. Will's father had been her bodyguard at the time, and as such, they were living in her house under the Helgrim name. Lucy's mom was a 'take no shit' kind of person, and on an off day that she was particular pissed off, she would spend all day in the kitchen just cooking and eating and cooking again. 

Will had been so unlucky to stumble upon her one day and was roped into helping her cook. It was not an enjoyable experience at the time, considering Lucifer's mother was almost entirely insane. When Will would mess up cutting something or pouring ingredients, she would throw a knife at his head, or hold his hand over the cutting board so she could take a finger. He ended that day with bandages around his face and the skin on his left hand burned away. It took weeks to heal. 

It was a wonder the Lucifer had even made it past infantry, but low a behold, he was a survivor. They all were, in a way. 

Will continued to cook after that... and it was good. It wasn't just good, it was great. He finally understood something, this creative mix of science and art that he could call his own. Since joining the army he hadn't had much time to indulge in the guilty pleasure, but this time it would be different. He had all the time in the world nowadays.  

"Are you done yet," Angel strode into the kitchen in skinny jeans and a see-through black shirt that hardly counted as clothing. His nipple rings sparkled through the sheer fabric. Will had to look away. "I'm starving," he started to snack on some chopped vegetables Will had laid out.

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