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Violetta's POV

"Violetta! Quickly!" Ruby shouted at me, grabbing my arm. Stadium was surprisingly very crowded and getting through it to our seats was difficult. But I wasn't worried about that. I was worried, that people going to recognize me. I ruined some parties like this, when they realized it's me, the young skating legend Violetta Macini. I really didn't liked that nickname, I wasn't any legendary.

So I rather wore hood on my head and tried to merge with crowd. Finally we get to our seats, which were surpringly really close to ring. As we sat I sastisfiedly sighed we're sitting and no one noticed or no paparazzi were around. "I said to you. Everything will be fine" Ruby said, stroking me on shoulder. "You was right..everything is alright" I replied and gave her warm smile. But then suddenly a little girl apperead before me with open mouth. "Moma! Moma! That's Violetta!" she called out. I started to panic and looking around.

Unfortunately many of my fans were even kids, specially little girls, who thought I'm looking like princess. Of course, it was very loving from them, but I really didn't liked the idea of getting the whole attention at the moment. "Darling" I said, gently squeezing her hand "If you'll keep, that I'm here as a secret, I'll give you an autograph with dedication..just for you!" Little girl looked very happy and suprised after my offer and gave on her mouth finger, that she's going to be silent.

I calmly smiled, searching for little paper. Gladly I had little piece in my hoodie, but no pen. "Here" Ruby said, giving me pencil. "Thanks God" I thought and then wrote on paper my name. "What's your name, sweetie?" I asked warmly and she immediately replied "Colette!!" I smiled, while writing "What a lovely name! Here; From Violetta Macini to her dearest fan Collette " As she took it, she was happily jumping, smiling excitingly at me "I would never imagine I'll meet you here. My brother loves box, but I don't enjoy it at all. But now I have autograph from you!! When my schoolmates found out..thank you so much. You're the best person ever, my whole family adores you. But I
love you the most!"

I warmly giggled about this sweet girl. "No problem, but keep your promise, please. Pretend like you didn't seen me here, alright?" I said and she happily nodded. Then she last time smiled at me, running in crowd to search her own seats. "Well, maybe that hood isn't that good as I thought" Ruby broke the silence. I wanted to reply, but then lights turned off. Match was about to begin!

Sadly, before us slowly apperead more and more "passionate" fans, so we couldn't see properly. Sometimes I could at least see their heads, but not much of the fight. Shouting of fans was louder than I excepted, but as I slowly catched their shouting, in shock I started realize what name they were actually shouting. "ROCKY! ROCKY!" They shouted and I freeze for a while. "Rocky..?" I thought "No that can't be. In world are many Rocky's for sure." But as I get interested in fight and more looked at the black haired boxer. He hauntingly reminded me MY beloved Rocky.

But Rocky, my Rocky being boxer? And this famous? I couldn't believe such a miracle like this. Well, to be honest, I was actually too a little miracle for sure. I used to be just ordinary girl and by almost year, I become one of most loved and famous figure skaters of my age. When the fight was about to end and the winner standed up looking at shouting crowd, refree lifted his arm "Rocky Balboa!"

I could barely breath at the moment. I almost felt from the chair. It was him. It was my beloved Rocky! "Yes! Yes!" Ruby clapped and shouted with crowd, until she noticed my shocked behavior "Baby, gosh! What happened?" I looked at her and couldn't find any words at the moment. "Can you excuse me for a while?" I asked her and then ran away from her. "Violetta! Violetta!" she shouted behind me and tried get through crowd behind me, but I was surpringly faster. I wasn't sure what I'm doing at the moment, I just ran. Simply ran closer to him..

Rocky's POV

I just won another of my fights and felt proud at myself, at the hard work, I've done. Crowd still shouted around the ring, but I felt tired, so I rather dissaperead in the lock room. I excepted in every while will appear my "amazing" girlfriend Adrian. I know it maybe looked like I'm dating her, but it was nothing like that! She wasn't the person I would actually love. She was being really stressful about me and very annoying too. To be honest, I really didn't loved her. I just felt, like I'll never find anyone else.

Before my fame, nobody felt to date such a desperate loner as I, so my "friend" Paulie arranged me to date his younger sister. And here we are. She's shy, don't like hanging out, silent and sadly isn't that pretty. Although I thought, it's just hidden behind her glasses and hat. Unfortunately didn't and may it was even worse..I just don't like her and lately totally not.

As I was dressed back in my black jacket and had my favourite black hat, I heard door opening. "Yo?" I said, annoyingly turning, because I thought it's Adrian, but as I turned  I realized it's something much, MUCH better, better said; perfect. In first I thought it's just an illusion, but then she, with her angelic warm known voice, spoke "Rocky." I widen my eyes from shock, when I realized who this gorgeous female is. "Violetta.."

Here we are with new chapter! I had so much fun writing this one, specially when I could try Rocky's POV, which hopefully turned well. I really tried to get some cute vibes, but I guess it should be better. Also yeah in my book is Adrian a hell of a villain, so take it that way and don't hate, thanks!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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