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When Alessandro was all smile with his new found place to expand his hotel chain, Bianca had her ground slipped with the new announcement she got early in the morning.

She was getting ready to go to the hospital when the current landlord, Henry Jr. the son of Henry Sr. entered the door of the orphanage.

"Good morning Henry, what can be the occasion that you had to visit us this early in the morning?" Bianca asked slowly as she knew Henry Jr. was never too fond of the orphanage and its stay in his property that his father left him behind after his death.

He was holding his share just so Bianca changes her mind and accept him. He had dared to propose her four years ago when he was thirty and she was nineteen. She did not want to crush her dream and wed soon. She had her world to explore.

"It really is a great occasion Bianca darling as I have got a great deal from a company to sell this worthless land against good fortune." Henry Jr. smirked.

"What?" Bianca asked in confusion.

"I am selling this land honey and I want this place empty in three days." He demanded.

"You can't do that." Bianca accused him.

"I can my love, I can do anything. Remember when I asked you to marry me, you rejected my proposal. Think it as my revenge from four years." Henry caressed her cheek making Bianca disgust.

"I was nineteen then." Bianca hissed.

"Nineteen or not, you would have lived the life as a queen, love, look what consequences it brought now. Where will you go? Where will your minions go? What did your degree get you?" He questioned provoking her.

"STOP. You said what you had to say, you will get the place empty by Friday." She voiced her decision loud but a fear ran through her veins questioning her own decision.

That was not the answer Henry was expecting from Bianca. He wanted her to plead in front of him so that he could play her night in shining armor but was it really possible with stubborn Bianca in front of him?

It was his golden chance to make Bianca his even if it was through blackmailing. He knew Bianca's nature, kind and fragile. He had grown to thirty-five watching her from toddler to beautiful woman.

"Speak wisely sugar, you are talking to the man that provides you roof above your head and one more thing where will you go taking old Roma and these kids? Will you be able to restore their security in 3 days?" Henry questioned Bianca.

"What do you want me to do then?"Bianca asked with frustration.

"Marry me." Henry demanded making Bianca shook.

"What?" Bianca asked again.

"Marry me love, I will make sure you and your people will have shelter. Be my wife." Henry announced.

Bianca remained rooted at her place thinking and calculating Henry's demand. If she rejected his proposal she loses everything, her home, her family will be scattered. If she accepted his proposal she could restrain the shelter to her family, they will be secured. Just because she was acting selfish and wanted her freedom does not mean she could keep the security of her family in stake. She had to let herself lose and accept his offer.

It was not bad after all. She knew Henry from her childhood and she also knew he had his eyes upon her from longtime it was her that felt nothing towards him. The pull was never there and she could not determine it will be created even if they tie the knot but she could at least try.

She had her answer,"When do you want the wedding?" She asked closing her eyes.

This time Henry had his eyes wide. He did not think his tricks would work so easily but to his surprise he had his victory too easily. Again she proved her selfless and kindness in his eyes making him admire even more.

He was all smiles with his twinkling eyes. This was what he wanted since his teenage. This was his victory and time for celebration.

"Two weeks after I grab the deal with AR company. I will shift you all to better place." He confirmed.

"Why not this place?" She asked in hesitation.

"This place is too old and beyond repairing and I am getting good amount out of it, so, please cooperate, alright? I promise you all won't have to worry. " Henry promised her a better place and a better life to which she nodded.

But inside her mind she wanted this place even it was trashy, it hold her childhood memory, her growth, laughter and tear. But she was helpless and had to agree whatever he had to offer.

Just then her mind ticked to something big, she could be benefited out of this if she really had to leave this place. "I have one more condition." Bianca voiced making Henry raise his eyebrow.

"I want Zina's surgery to be done if you can't hold this place for us." Bianca demanded and Henry chuckled in amusement, her last wish before surrender was for other's benefit and not her.

He had his heart swell in pride that he could bag a golden girl not to mention beautiful and kind.

He finally nodded. "Done." He smiled and got a relieved Bianca in front of him

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