8: Fan Yaoli's Poison

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Chapter 8: Fan Yaoli's Poison

Fan Qinyou saw her Father's cold face as she turns back. She knows that she was in a critical situation since both of them have the same favor towards their father.

Both of them were their father's pride since they both have a brighter future. Although Fan Lihua was only a second to her, he still doted to her same with how she has doted.

"Fa-father, Fifth Sister beats me, Lihua just want to stop her from beating Sister Yaoli," Zexel makes her expression too pitiful that makes her jerk father pitied her.

"Guards! Confine your fifth miss to her courtyard and never allow anyone to visit her until I said so. Her allowance will be deducted in half for three months," the guards quickly grab Fan Qinyou towards her courtyard as he leaves the Hua Kai Pavilion.

Zexel immediately went to Fan Yaoli and check her body. She also checks her pulse if something happens to her.

She frowns as she detects a lot of poison in her meridians and this was all the reason why her sister cannot cultivate right now.

She summons Dao Lu, Fan Yi, Fan Er, and Fan San to her front and let them purchase a lot of Chinese Herbs and acupuncture needle so she can cleanse her sister's body in the mean time.

The poison in her sister's body is not harmful. However, it can block your cultivation skills since the meridians are all block and the Qi cannot flows with it to reach the Dantians.

In the host's memory for the future, she can say that the soul who transmigrates to her sister's body is also a doctor. And this kind of matter is only a child play to her as well as to Zexel.

She just doesn't want to last the poison too long to her sister's body that's why she decided to get rid of it. She knows that if she heals her body right now, it will greatly affect the future she has in the host body.

After a while, her maid and her sister's maid purchase all the herbs she needs so she positions herself in a cultivation position as her conscience begun to enter her Divine Mystic Pagoda Ring.

She immediately goes to her alchemy room and she began to make a medical pill.

In just a minute, she finishes the pill and immediately goes back to her body. She saw the pill in her hand as she smiles.

"Dou Lu, prepare a bath for your Mistress. Fan Yi, Fan Er, come to me inside. Fan San, bring my oil that I'm using for bathe here," they all nodded and immediately flew away.

Zexel helps Fan Yaoli to geed herself since she was too weak after Fan Qinyou beat her. As for Zexel's external wounds, she doesn't even mind it and continue to feed her sister.

"I'll just get rid of formalities, Big Sister Yaoli. I'm deeply want to apologize for this incident. If I did come here earlier, perhaps you will not be beaten badly like this," Zexel can even detect the pain in her tone.

She was sincere towards Fan Yaoli because Zexel knows that she was pure and kindhearted. She will never betray her. Perhaps, it's a good sign that she can trust someone.

Because from her world before, Zexel never trusts anyone except for the man that she loves. In this life, she wanted to experience the normal life someone has.

"Seventh Sister Lihua, you don't have to apologize. I'm happy that you protect me from Fifth Sister. I'm also happy that you're not using the formal self-address to me. Just your presence, I'm already contented," Fan Yaoli smile and hugs Zexel.

Zexel had a shocked expression as Dan Yaoli hugs her.

'This kind of feeling, it's warm and I'm deeply happy. No one even hugs me before because of the thought that I don't want to' Zexel thinks as she smiles while hugging Fan Yaoli.

After they hug, Zexel gives Fan Yaoli a pill and gives her a glass of water. "This pill is a poison cleansing pill, Big Sister. It can help you to get rid of a lot of poison in your body. But the thing is, a lot of black liquid will be released into your body which has a stinky smell. Other than that, there are no side effects at all. Then after you take a bath, I'll give you an acupuncture session," Zexel wanted to help her sister at all cost.

Fan Yaoli never even hesitate a bit to swallow the pill and drink the glass of water. It indicates that Fan Yaoli really trusts her completely.

She sighs as seeing that Fan Yaoli being so naive for trusting her so much. After a while, Fan Yaoli's pores begun to pump outside of the black liquid a lot. But other than the smell itself, nothing did happen to her or even experiencing pain inside or outside.

After a while, she took using the oil that Zexel is using to get rid of a lot of stinky smell in Fan Yaoli's body.

Zexel nod out of her satisfaction towards the result of Fan Yaoli. The water in her tub begun to change into black. But Gan Yaoli did not even mind of it. Zexel decided to give her an acupuncture session while Fan Yaoli was bathing so the black liquid that Fan Yaoli's body release, will be wash immediately.

After she finishes, they chat happily as Zexel secretly checks her pulses. Now she smiled at Fan Yaoli because she knows that from today, she can cultivate anytime she wants.

The poison that blocking Fan Yaoli's meridian had been cleaned up after she cleanses inside.

Fan Yaoli is deeply grateful for the sister. She even believes everything she had right now was only a dream. She was afraid that she will wake up in the morning and all her dream will be shattered like dust.

But for now, Fan Yaoli was happy with the company that Zexel give to her. She even felt so secure if Zexel was in her side.

"Why don't we stroll around? What do you think, Big Sister Yaoli?" Zexel asks absent-mindedly.

Fan Yaoli smile and nods because she also wants to see the outside.



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