Chapter Twenty-Three

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Here it is! I hope y'all like it. Give me feedback I love it! 



My alarm was blaring in my ear. I pulled a pillow over my head and squeezed it tight. My alarm was faint now and I started to drift back off to sleep. As I was drifting back to sleep weight shifted next to me and then my alarm had been turned off. I slowly pulled the pillow off my head and peaked out at who was next to me. I looked up to see a blond haired Asher smiling down at me.

“Hey babe, we have to get ready for school.” He said with that gorgeous smile.

“Ugh but it feels like I just went to sleep.” I whined and rolled back over.

“Come on get up!” he shouted bouncing up and down on my bed.

“Asher, stop!” I shouted throwing my pillow at him.

“Usually when I’m in bed with a girl she doesn’t tell me to stop.” He said winking.

“Can I just get ready for school now? Since it is 7:00.” I said pulling the comforter off of me.

The room was cold and all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. As I started to make my way to my bathroom Asher’s strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me back to bed.

“Let’s skip school today.” He purred in my ear.

I couldn’t help but smile. His voice was soothing, especially after last night. He kept me company and soothed me when I needed someone to be there for me the most. He was gorgeous and it was so tempting.

“It’s the second day of school Asher and you want to skip already?” I teased him.

“Hey, you have to start some time.” Asher started to pull the blanket over the two of us.

It was tempting to stay in cooped up in bed with Asher all day but I couldn’t do that. I needed to go to school. I needed to be around people. I actually need to make a good impression before things fall to pieces.

“No I need to go to school. I can’t just skip especially since it’s the second day.” I pulled myself out of his arms and ran into the bathroom.

I looked back at Asher who was starting to walk towards me. I stuck my tongue out at him and then slammed the bathroom door. I locked it and turned the shower on. I quickly stripped and jumped in the shower. I sighed as the hot water rushed around my body. This felt nice, especially crying for hours on end last night.

As I started to shampoo my hair I heard a click but I ignored it thinking that it was the shower head. I finally got the shampoo out of my hair when my shower curtain flung open. I looked at over at the person in horror as I tried to cover my body with my hands.

“Asher what the hell?!” I shouted at him.

“What? I need to take a shower to. So why not just shower together and save water?” he wriggled his eyebrows at me.

For the first time since he opened my curtain I noticed he was naked. A blush crept up onto my face. I wasn’t opposed to the idea of showering with Asher. It was just that we only just met. Although I did bawl my eyes out to him last night and tell him my entire life story.

I felt closer to him than I felt to anybody else. I sighed and scooted over to let him get in the shower. He looked at me slightly confused before he realized I was letting him get in with me. He smiled at me and it made my heart melt. He got in the shower and as soon as the water hit him I noticed his beautifully sculpted abs.

Boy he’s got an eight pack. All I wanted to do was hold him close to me and never let go. There are more things that I would do to him as well but let’s not get into that.

“Stop starring. I know you want me and all but my eyes are up here.” He said smirking.

“Oh shut up!” I said and reached for the conditioner.

As I was reaching for the conditioner I slipped falling onto Asher. He was caught off guard and ended up falling over as well. We landed in the shower with a loud thump.

“Are you okay?” I asked getting ready to scramble off of him

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I couldn’t help but become mesmerized by his gorgeous eyes. I felt as though I was starring into an endless blue ocean. Before I knew it we had bother started moving closer to each other and eventually his lips touched mine. Tingles had exploded through my entire body. This feeling was amazing. His lips pressed against mine felt right.

His hands searched my body and I loved the feel. He bit my bottom lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss and I allowed it. When out tongues entwined it felt like somebody had set a fire off in my mouth. This kiss was so deep and passionate and I wanted more, I needed more.

My lips moved from his down to his neck. I started to trail kisses down his chest and as I was getting closer to his privates he stopped me.

“What? Did I do something wrong?” I questioned.

“No Not at all, I just don’t want to do that like this.” He said pointing up to the shower.

“Oh right!” I said giggling and standing up.

I held out my hand in order to help him up as well. He took my hand and stood up.

“Can I finish my shower now?” I asked

“Of course you can.” He bent down and kissed my cheek before he stepped out.

I held my hand to my cheek as the tingles rushed through my body. God, I was falling hard for this guy and I barely know him. 

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