Chapter 6: Reflections Of The Soul

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"Welcome, everyone." Santino greets the guests at the museum. "Let us toast to the future of the high table and of course, to the memory of my dear sister." He said and he raises his glass and so did the rest of the people and they do a toast before the music starts back up. Then the people go back to talking among each other while Santino greets the guests.

Meanwhile, down in the basement, a floor door opens and was pushed aside as John Wick comes out of the hidden place then climbs up  He turns around then holds his hand out towards the hole and helps you up. "Thanks." You whispered as you got to your feet and then you place the door back down. Both of you look around and start to head upstairs.

"Nice to see you." Santino said as he goes around and greets the guests. Meanwhile, you and John had made it to the main area of the museum and walked among the crowd, looking around for Santino. Feeling nervous, you walked next to John then took his hand in yours and held on to it, tightly. He holds your hand, just a tightly, then strokes the back of your hand with your thumb.

"Mr. Akoni, how are you?" Santino asked one guest then you and John see him and both of you let each other's hand go and start to reach into your jacket for the guns. Santino looks over and sees you two and there was a stare down between the three of you. Finally, the people moved out of the way, leaving you and John standing in the middle of the roo., and the music stopped. Everyone started to watch, with baited breath, as Santino glares at the two of you.

And without hesitation, both you and John pull out your guns and began to fire as Santino runs. Both of you hit some guys and you aim your gun at Santino and fire, but you missed and worst of all that was the last bullet you had. You growled in frustration as John used up all of his bullets then punches one guard coming at him, grabs him and flips him over and goes to grab his gun.

One guard goes up to you and you grab the hand that was pulling out a gun. Both of you struggle for a bit but you were able to open the blade on your bracelet then use it to stab his arm. He screams out as you grab his gun then shoot him in the head, just as more guards come in. You and John aim and fire at the men, killing all of them, then you dig into the guards pocket and pulls out extra ammo and start to load your gun, John does the same, then both of you start to head out.

"The Wicks' are here. Yeah." Santino said into his phone before he hangs up and walks away as fast as he could while you and John shoot at more oncoming men. Of course some fired back at you two but so far none of the bullets had entered your body, thanks to the bullet proof vest or you two dodging as best as you could.

John rolled down some steps, avoiding some bullets, as you stood by the side of the stairs and fired at a couple of men. Then one of the men ran up and slammed you up against the wall but he didn't last long as John fires at bullet at him. The man let's out a groan of pain and you headbutt him and throw him off of you and he rolls down the stairs.

Once he rolls on his back, John shoots him in the head as you run down a few steps then leaped over the dead body as you make it over to John's side. Both of you hear footsteps and a gunfire, so you fire back then you two duck and hide and lean against the statue as the guard comes up to the side.

As he comes into view, John shoots him in the leg and gets up and grabs his arm. The man fires a couple of shots but John raises his arm then flips him over onto the floor. He grabs the gun out of the guy's hand but falls back just as you heard more guards coming. You stand up and see some guards coming and you and John shoot at them before they got a chance to get to you, while John was still holding the other guy's arm and had his foot holding up his head.

Once all those guards were taken care of, John turns to the man he had, moved his foot a bit and headshot the guy the  took his gun. Couple more gunshots ring out and you duck down but not quick enough to feel a stinging pain on your cheek. You yelped then hold your hand up to your cheek and realized it was bleeding, luckily it was just a graze. John gets up and hides next to you by the statue and both of you lean over to the sides and shoot two more guards then start to, cautiously, walk out.

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