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Every time you cry, I feel it. My eyes swell with fat salty tears and my lungs deflate. My throat becomes dry and my heart twists in knots.

I feel every ounce of your pain.

And I'm so sorry.

I know what it's like to feel like you're just floating

through life.

That you feel like you have no purpose.

That only if you died, people would understand your pain.

Do you realize that there are millions of people who understand exactly how you feel?

Depression houses millions of people.

It's tragic because you didn't choose to live there; it

kidnapped you. Please escape.

You don't have to give up. You can't see the world

because depression blindfolded you, but life is truly beautiful.

It's so damn beautiful it brings tears to my eyes. I didn't see it before.

You don't know how much I wish I would have

dragged the blade upon depression's skin instead of my own.

I look back and wonder why I added more pain to myself. It doesn't sound logical.

I lived life with a lock on my lips. I was dying inside, but no one knew it. The key sat hidden under my heart,

but I was oblivious.

I believed that there was no saving me.

Please don't believe that.

Because you deserve to be happy.

I looked at your smile before this mess happened,

and it was golden. Chin up, you're golden.

Saving Everest (Wattpad Books Edition)Where stories live. Discover now