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Skylar's POV

"So all you have to do, Caden," I said, "is let Blake go."

Caden eyed me with a frown that had somewhat appeared as he'd listened to me speak for the past few minutes, gaze intense and fixated on me.

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Well, because Alexis is right." I waved my hand around. "Your sister's alive. I saw that video. She was...she was right there. And as much as I don't like Blake either, I think he deserves to know about this too."

Caden's frown deepened. "No, he doesn't."

I sighed and stood up, walking towards my tiny closet.

"And how do you know that all wasn't a setup?" He still sounded a bit bewildered. I guess I couldn't blame him. "Why would you even go after her, Sky?"

"I thought I could get some answers."

"You also nearly got killed."

I turned towards him with a dry hoodie in my hand and widened my eyes. "I know. I stabbed that man. God, I still can't believe that. There was all this...this blood on the knife."

Caden raised a dark brow, totally unamused.

"I've never really stabbed anyone before." I turned back around and stuffed the hoodie back inside before picking up a larger, much-softer one. "And I don't think it was a setup, though. Alexis would've left me there if it was a setup. Instead, she made sure to drag me out alive." Unless she was trying to play the good part.

Caden was silent.

I gave him a look over my shoulder. "I think she fears you."

"I would've hunted her down and killed her if something had happened to you." He sounded tense, agitated, angry. Like he wanted to kill someone right now. "I'd have killed her for good this time."

Wasn't it funny that I'd been dying to sleep just minutes ago, while now all I could really think about was kissing him? Really really bad, the urge was.

"What do you think happened to the East gang?" I asked instead, fidgeting with the hoodie in hand. "You know, after Blake was put in prison?"

Caden tipped his head back against the chair and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't...Well, I think the ones who were done with Blake's shit left. Or got themselves killed. Or they were murdered. Alexis's case, they came after you."

I raised my brows and huffed out a laugh. "Sounds practical."

It was anything but practical. Impractical, more like. That's how my life usually felt sometimes. Unreal.

"Who do you think would do such a thing?" I shook my head. "You know, with Rena?"

I could see him clenching his jaw, I could see that he didn't meet my gaze but kept it fixed on the bedpost.

"I don't know." He finally said. "It's fucking killing me that I don't know, Sky."

Throwing the hoodie aside, I went towards him and stopped in front of him, leaning down to place my hands on either side of the chair he was sitting on, all until his eyes were on me.

"You can't always, Caden," I told him. "Blaming yourself for not knowing is pretty stupid, especially when you had no idea all this was even going on behind your back."

He was staring, the green of his eyes darkening.

"I'm not blaming myself." He said, but there wasn't any honesty behind those words, because he was doing just that. Blaming himself for things that hadn't been in his control.

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