Part (2)

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(3rd POV)

To say that Taehyung was shocked would be an understatement.

He couldn't believe that the Luna would actually mate him to a guy let alone the white wolf.

He was angry and frustrated. He growled at the younger his eyes red flaming with anger.

"WHY YOU". He yelled making the younger flinch.

Jungkook was terrified to say the least. He knew he was going to be rejected there was no denying it.

But the anger he saw flash in his mates eyes was something he had never seen before.

And that's what terrified him the most.

"Please get off of me..." Jungkook whispered squeezing his eyes shut.

They were starting to sting him and he knew he wouldn't be able to stop his tears once they started falling.

So he held his tears back and tried to steady his breath. He felt his wild whimper in pain.

His wolf was hurting...he himself was hurting.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY". Taehyung growled which finally broke the younger.

His tears started flowing down his cheeks...he didn't have control over them anymore.

They just kept flowing.

"Listen to me". Tae said clenching the youngers collar and pulling him forward.

"I will reject you and you will not tell anyone about this". Tae threatened the younger.

Jungkook felt his heart drop to his stomach. He was hurting...and he was hurting badly.

He knew Taehyung would never accept him...but he had the tiniest bit of hope that has now been crushed.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR". Taehyung yelled making the younger flinch.

"Yes..." Jungkook whispered. It was obvious that he was going to die from a broken heart tonight.

He was so happy today thinking he would finally find his mate and escape from his horrible pack.

But seems like the Luna really is punishing him. Because not only was he rejected by his mate.

His mate was the next alpha of his pack.

Taehyung stood up forcing the younger up. He looked straight in the youngers eyes his eyes filled with nothing but rage.

"Please don't do this...." Jungkook begged the older his eyes beat red filled with tears.

But the older didn't look like he cared. His face was empty of any emotion. All jungkook saw was rage and anger.

"Please..." Jungkook whispered again. His wolf was already whimpering knowing that their mate was about to reject them.

"I Kim Taehyung future alpha of the blue moon pack reject you jeon jungkook and do not accept you as my mate".

And that's when jungkook felt his whole world crash right over his head.

His whole life has been hell. But this is by far the worst this that has ever happened to him.

He put his hand on his chest and clenched his shirt. His heart was felt like he was dying.

Which he was....all because his mate couldn't accept him.

Because he was different.

Jungkook dropped to the floor screaming in agony and pain.

He felt like he was burning from the inside out. And his wolfs whimpers of pain weren't helping.

Taehyungs wolf was fighting for control. He wanted nothing more than to go and protect his mate.

But he couldn't....he couldn't take control. All he could do was stand their and watch their mate die from heartbreak.

Taehyung left Jungkook in the middle of the woods. He left him to die of heartbreak in the cold.

Meanwhile Jungkooks friends were looking for him. They were trying to track his scent...but nothing.

They tried calling for him yet there was no answer. They decided to split up and look around.

Finally Jimin found Jungkook....he was glowing. Not his usual glow like he was full on glowing.

Jimin contacted the others through their mind link and told them he had found Jungkook.

When the others arrived they were just as shocked as Jimin. They have never seen this happen before.

Jimin tried to get closer to the younger to check on him but suddenly that glow turned into the shape of a wolf.

Not any wolf...Jungkooks wolf.

He looked angry and in pain. The others couldn't move from their place as they were too shocked.

Suddenly it went dark...


They had carried Jungkook back to the house and he has been unconscious for 3 hours now.

They were dead tired but they couldn't sleep...they were too worried about the younger.

And after what they saw in the woods they surely couldn't leave him.

So they took shifts in watching him. Waiting for him to wake up.

They only prayed to the Luna that Jungkook was okay...that nothing horrible had happened to him.

If only they knew the pain and sorrow that he went through when he was in the woods.


Jungkook finally opened his eyes. His mouth was dry and his head hurt like hell.

He tried to process what had happened and he suddenly felt a pang in his heart and that's when it all came back.

His birthday. The woods. His mate. The rejection.

And then it all just turns blank...that's all he could remember.

He tried to sit up ignoring the pain he felt. His whole body was killing him yet nothing could compare to the pain he felt when he was rejected.

Suddenly it hit him. How is he still alive? Isn't he supposed to be dead?

I mean that is what's supposed to happen if a wolf gets rejected by their mate.

"HE'S AWAKE". Jimin yelled running to the younger and hugging him tightly.

Suddenly he started crying when all the others burst into the room.

They all looked tired...even more tired than Jungkook looked.

"Kookie you're okay". Jin said hugging the younger tightly. So tight as if he was afraid the younger would disappear.

Jungkook was confused by everything that was happening. Why were they acting like this.

He looked up at yoongi and was shocked to see him smiling tears running down his face.

"What's going on? Why are guys all crying and acting so weird". Jungkook asked confused.

"We thought you were dead..." Jimin replied wiping his tears.

"You were unconscious for a whole week". Jin added.

Jungkook was shocked to say the could he not be dead, and why was he unconscious for a whole week!

There were too many questions going around in the youngers head.

And soon he will know all the answers.

Very soon...

(To be continued)

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