Chapter 13

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  Doctor Steven had ordered Maria to leave the room with him so that Rachel can have a moment to talk to her husband. Rachel didn't understand the sudden change in Doctor Steven, but she didn't bother to think about it. This was definitely not the time for her to worry about him. All she wanted was to talk to her husband. Rachel frantically dialled Kevin's number and waited impatiently for it to ring. This was the longest time she had ever waited. Although it didn't surpass seconds to ring, she couldn't bare the wait. She wanted to hear Kevin's voice so desperately.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.
  She was then transferred to the answering machine. This couldn't be happening. Answer the damn phone Kevin! She dialled the numbers with her trembling fingers once more.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.
  There was still no answer. She could feel her body shake. Her one opportunity to escape the asylum, to cry out to her husband, to ask for help, was now gone. She slowly hung up the line. Tears filled her eyes then ran down her cheeks like a river. She steadied herself on the chair next to her before dropping on it. She was upset. She was angry at Kevin for not picking up. At herself for being in such a mess. At life for throwing all the troubles her way even though she's been good all her life. What was she paying the price for? She never committed a major sin to be punished for. Yes, she experienced some white lies from time to time to get her through the day, but that was normal she thought. All the people she knew have lied every once in a while. She dried her tears with the back of her hand. It was useless to cry now. She was all alone again.

  Doctor Steven knocked on the door before letting himself in uninvited. He wouldn't need an invitation to enter his office. Yet again, it was rude to barge in when Rachel was having a moment.
  "Is everything alright? Did you speak to your husband?" He asked.
  "No, he didn't pick up."
  "Oh dear, I am so sorry. Maybe next time okay?" He said as he placed his warm hand on her shoulder.
  "Don't touch me!" She snapped. "I am not crazy and I need to get out of this place right now."
  "Rachel calm –"
  "Shut the fuck up and let me out of here now!"
  Maria and Patrick who were outside the door, rushed in at the sound of Rachel. They both grabbed her as she thrusted forward trying to get hold of doctor Steven.
  "Now, now, Rachel? Is this how you treat your doctor? The person who wants to help you? I thought you were getting better and you're no longer violent. Don't make me regret unstrapping you," he said pointing at her hands.
  "I am not violent you know that. I just want to get out of here."
  "Your violence is what got you here in the first place. I won't be able to discharge you until you become harmless. We can't let you out as long as you are a threat to others."

  Rachel's blood was pumping through her veins at what felt like hundreds of kilometers per hour. She was trembling from anger and wanted to tear the whole place down. Why am I feeling this way? Am I really violent? She never experienced that kind of temper before. She was always calm. What was happening to her she wondered. Was it the medications they were giving her? She remembered when Stella gave her pills to counteract the effect of whatever doctor Steven was giving her. It must be them. It had to be them. Millions of questions were bolting through her tired mind. She found it very difficult to concentrate these days. She decided to ignore doctor Steven's words which were provocative. He might be provoking her to prove her insanity. Not this time doctor Steven. She didn't want him triumphant, so she channelled her thoughts somewhere else so as to control her temper. She succeeded in doing so.

  "Can I make another phone call?" She asked.
  "I am afraid not. It is time for you to get back to your room."
  "It won't take long," she added.
  "Maybe next time. Take her," he ordered Maria and Patrick.

  Rachel calmly freed herself from their grip. "I can walk alone. I still have my strength to do so," she said as she walked past doctor Steven.
  "Not for long," he muttered to himself.
  Rachel froze for a second before resuming her march to her room. She heard what he said. She heard him loud and clear. She wanted to confront him about it, but she knew it was pointless. They are all a team. They would all conspire against her. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

  Lights were flickering above her head as she walked down the corridor to her room. She took slow deep breathes to help her stay calm. She had to get rid of doctor Steven before he gets rid of her. She was determined to do whatever it takes to get out of the asylum.

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