Chapter Twelve

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Faelin explained to me that this wasn't a different dimension; in other words, it was a hidden pocket of reality that only allowed certain things in. This pocket was made to contain and protect the sacred creatures the world created in order to keep itself alive.

The white stag, otherwise known as a Fross, represented the concept of cold to keep warmth at bay. So, in this case, we needed the fur of one of Earth's prime creatures.

This wasn't going to be easy. This place was supposed to be pure. Even our footprints would taint this land forever. Even Faelin seemed to be careful around this pocket of reality. He warily calculated his every move.

We definitely didn't want to tamper with the Earth's elements.

We made our way through the area, passing several creatures that either swiftly dashed away or stood their ground to watch. We'd crossed small rodents and little musical creatures, all tittering and clicking in a call I couldn't decipher.

A few were lined with shimmering molten markings, breathing out little flakes of ash and wide eyes as inky as smoke. Their tails were long and feathered, an ombree of crimson to orange at the tip. These little fellas were about the size of my palm.

"Those are called Cerulles. Little feiry things, I'll say. They like to climb..." he looked down to find one crawling up the back of his shoulder, its chatters resembling laughter, "...a lot." he finished with a breath. He clicked his own tongue and raised his arm so the Cerulle could trail along to his hand. Its little claws barely made marks on his skin.

Their long ears and little calls really got to me, so I picked one up carefully, noticing the burn against my fingers when I made contact with it. I flinched back and it chattered at me, scampering away.

"Wow, I see how it is." I jabbed sarcastically. Faelin smirked at me.

"Let us keep going."


A question came to mind. "It sounds like you're familiar with this place. Come to think of it, when I asked you last time if you've been here before, you ignored me. Why was that?" He looked up to me softly, then his expression immediately hardened.

"Look, I don't want to talk about it. Let's just retrieve the fur and get out of here. The stag should be around here somewhere." He took a moment to breathe and recontain himself. He was obviously troubled, and he's obviously been here before. So why was he hiding this from me?

Of course, he wouldn't tell me no matter how such I pried. He would only become more annoyed, so I found it best to drop the subject.

We eventually approached a yawning entrance next to the side of a large tree, one so airy and wide that I was surprised we didn't find it before. The thick blankets of snow around it seemed to be dug out, almost as if something forced its way inside.

The snow trickled off in thin trails away from the opening. We both worked to trudge through the ivory, even if our ankles were frigid and turning blue. I shuddered as a large gush of chilly wind brushed past me. The air wisped from further inside the cave.

I glanced over to Faelin, who nodded back at me. He entered first, bending down to fit into the low crevice. I followed quickly, pushing further into the chilly insides. The walls were of cold, slippery rock. Iridescent shards of ice and sparkling crystals jutted out from the corners, their edges chipping off with wear.

The narrowness eventually opened up to a larger space, one in which I could finally breathe. Though, I was not expecting to find what I did in there.

Behind the fresh carcass of a large white deer, one with crystal-like antlers and thick snowy fur, sat a familiar figure. He wasn't the only thing that sent cold tingles down the sides of my stricken face.

A film of lifeless grey coated the stag's eyes.

Seth stood from his spot and stretched. The stag's blood peppered his leather taupe jacket, his jeans, and the tips of his pale fingers. My eyes were trained on the way he circled the Fross' body as if it were a prize.

That was until Faelin took a step back, getting ready to retreat. I could feel his terror course through my veins; I could hear that frantic heartbeat within the both of us.

I knew that blond hair, the buzzed cut, the scar... That full face and soft jawline. I trusted that face; I trusted those icy blue eyes for my entire life.

"I thought I'd find you here, Faelinsis." His gaze caught Faelin's.

"Don't use that name." Faelin spat back at him in a chiding voice, clearly showing hatred for the man. Despite the sniding words, the fear still lingered in those eyes. I've never seen the two interact until now.

"How did you get here?" I asked suddenly. I broke the tension between the two momentarily. Seth's eyes turned to me, then narrowed.

"I'm really sorry, Dain... I know you trusted me for so long, and I want to thank you for that, but you have to listen. I've been studying alien life for years, you know that. I just wish I'd shown you this part of me in a more proper manner." Seth replied, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear.

"You didn't answer my question, Seth." I retaliated. I didn't think I could ever use such a sharp tone of voice with my best friend, but now that I knew that Seth wasn't the person he showed me all these years, I thought it was safe to say I had the right to give him some attitude.

"Of course, I apologize. Actually, I've known Faelinsis for a long time. Ever since it was born, to be exact, I've been offered to study him and its... unique abilities, by the Lord itself." He snuck a glance over to Faelin, who was still guarded by the entrance. The poor Faerie looked about ready to bolt.

"What's so special about him, compared to the other Faeries?" I pushed further. My mind wouldn't let me take over; I was overloaded with questions.

He gave me a fond, yet ominous smile that chilled me to the core. So it wasn't just the snow.

"You'll see soon enough."


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