Chapter forty four-Broken

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It'd been a few day since everything has happened. The police interrogated Tess but she wasn't arrested because she didn't do any physical harm. She did admit to stealing the diary but as it was returned there was nothing the police could really do. Tess hadn't sent any of the texts just sometimes updated Jessie if she saw us about which wasn't often enough to be justified as being stalked. We'd asked Tess repeatedly why she helped Jessie but all she said was 'because of what you did to April by rejecting her you ruined everything'.

It made sense as to how Jessie stalked us. We hasn't recognise the number because she'd got a different phone. Thinking about it now she was there on the occasion where the stalker would message something about it later. Also she was seemed so involved in our relationship like the time she asked me if Blair and I are more than friends.

Back to school is weird it seems like everyone is looking at us because people found out what had happened. Blair and I had only just come back to school after having had a few days to sort everything out together. Although throughout these few days I haven't really been able it process everything. It seems like at any point I'll break. I grasp Blair's hand tightly never wanting to let her go. We head to class which is maths. Blair has a different lesson so she placed a chaste kiss on my lips and whispered "You'll be okay, everything is fine now."

I nodded in response and walked into lesson. Everyone seems as if they are looking at me, which they probably are after everything.

The numbers on the board seem blurred; I don't even care to try and focus or listen. My pen mindlessly hit the book in front of me, I didn't bother to write anything. As the lesson passed the clicking from the clock seems louder like it's closer and closer. Normally I would be happy, I don't like maths after all. But today is different. Today I feel as if there is a numb void inside of me. I'm safe I should be happy.


Outside of the classroom is Blair waiting for me because we have next lesson together. As I look at her everything that happened in the past few months seem to race through my mind. Suddenly I grip onto her crying so much I'm almost hyperventilating.

"Addison it's okay we're safe," Blair replied stroking up and down my back.

This will never be okay though, my best friend and my girlfriend's sister stalked me. I accused April even though she was innocent. Everything seemed so distracting around me that I was too oblivious to even realised who the stalker was.

My sobbing subsided a little so I pulled out of the embrace looking at Blair. She has a few loose tears streaming down her face.

"We're going to be a mess for our lesson," Blair remarked with a soft chuckle.

"Y-Yeah," I agreed still trying to compose myself.

As I looked around the hallway I'm slightly glad to see that no one is starting at me like we're weirdos but have instead gone to class so it's pretty much empty.

We went to the toilets to rinse our faces in a hope to get some of the redness away. The cool water cascaded down my face and although my face is now a lot less red it still has some red spotted patches.

Blair and I walk to class. As we walk my mind still drifts to what's been happening but Blair is right I'm safe, now it's my chance to be happy.


"So you're gay again?" Blair's friends asked as they strut towards us in the lunch hall.

"No I'm bisexual you see it's this thing when you are attracted to both genders I know crazy right, almost mind blowing," Blair replied waving her arms from her head in an exploding motion.

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