Chapter Three

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"Subhanallah! What happened to your face Aisha?" Mum asked immediately she saw my face. I stayed quiet and just stared at her.

"Let me see your nails." she said calmly. I stretched out my palms and she shook her head.

"You need to cut your nails so that you don't scratch yourself next time." she said.

"Umma I didn't scratch myself." I said quietly. She shook her head again and ran her fingers through her hair frustratedly.

"Can you stop all this Aisha? It isn't funny. You can't keep coming up with things and claiming a demon's following you."

I nodded my head and muttered a sorry, then walked back to my room. I didn't know why exactly she wasn't believing me. She knew better than me that jinns existed but for some reason, she had refused to believe me. I was getting fed up with everything. Luckily, I had one month left to spend at home before I was shipped off to college.

I dragged my feet into my en-suite bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. Written in blood on the mirror was 'you ugly son of a bitch'. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was probably imagining things again. When I opened my eyes, the writings were gone. I opened the tap below the mirror and splashed some water on my face. I looked up into the mirror to see how I looked. I let out a loud scream when I saw blood dripping off my face. The water in the tap had turned into blood.

"Umma!" I screamed and my mum came rushing into the bathroom.

"What's wrong Aisha?" she asked. I looked back at the mirror and my face was normal. The tap had stopped bringing out blood.

"I saw a cockroach."

Mum sighed and shook her head. "You have to stop screaming unnecessarily. Are you a child? If you see a cockroach, kill it!"

I nodded and she left back to her room. I couldn't wait to go to college. Probably, everything would stop because I wouldn't be in a room alone. I went back into my room and plopped down on my bed. I picked up my phone and checked my hostel's status. I had a roommate from India, Preeta Pratap Singh. She had long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looked so much like Deepika Padukone and I knew we were going to be great friends.

Like Preeta, I had long brown hair, brown eyes and a long nose. I got most of my looks from my Arabian mother and a little from my Pakistani father. I thought of saving Preeta's number from the Al-Hidayah hostel's website but I didn't know how she'd feel to get a random message from an unsaved contact. I locked my phone and dropped it by the side. There was really not much to do around the house since I was an only child.

When I wasn't on my phone, I was watching TV. And when I wasn't watching TV, I was reading a book. Mum on the other hand was a full time housewife and she spent all her time reading Islamic books in her bedroom. I began to wonder if she knew what she was reading because definitely, she would've come across verses about jinns. I shook my head and laid down on the bed, then draped my blanket over me. I opened my webnovel app to continue reading Bringing The Nation's Husband Home. I had a thing for Chinese and Korean stories.

Two hundred chapters after, I got frustrated and threw my phone to the side. I was getting annoyed by how long it was taking for Lu Jinnian to tell Qiao Anhao he loved her. There were so many misunderstandings, not only in Lu Jinnian's love life but also in his brother's, Xu Jiamu.

When I checked my time, it was almost five in the evening. I walked downstairs to help mum prepare dinner. She had flour, minced meat and some vegetables set on the counter.

"Umma." I smiled at her. She returned my smile and shoved some vegetables in my hand.

"Dice the carrots and onions." I nodded and got to work while she mixed the batter for samosas and dumplings. When I finished, I stir fried the vegetables and minced meat to make the filling for the samosas.

After a while, we were done with the cooking. Mum poured some matcha chai into tea cups for us. That was the worst tea to ever exist. I hated the taste of matcha but mum said it was packed with antioxidants so I had to drink it. I preferred regular coffee or green tea.

"Do the dishes and say your prayers, then go to sleep. I don't want you staying up all night on your phone." mum said after we finished the food. I washed the plates and set them on the rack to dry, then went up to my room.

Unlike the previous nights, I slept like a baby. There was no demon trying to suffocate me. Neither was there a dog clawing at my face. I did have a dream but it wasn't bad, or so I thought.

I was out with Azeezah and her twin, Abdulaziz. We were at a themed park and were going on each ride. When we finished, we went into the haunted house. It was like every other haunted house in movies. Ghosts popped out of random places and gave us jump scares. It wasn't so scary, well until Azeezah and Abdulaziz turned into something sinister.

Azeezah's and Abdulaziz's bodies merged into one. It stood on all four legs and stretched out it's hands. The skin on it's face began to melt and left a disgusting wax-like liquid on it's body. I screamed and ran back to where we came from. It chased after me, mumbling incoherent words as it ran. Just when I was going to give up, I found the door that led to the outside. I pulled it open and ran outside, then put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Minutes after, Azeezah and her twin came back out.

"Where did you go?" Azeezah asked. Before I could answer, I jerked up from sleep. I wiped the sweat away from my face and turned to the other side of the bed, then closed my eyes.

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