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I had a terrible night

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I had a terrible night. My brain wouldn't stop thinking, I tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep. The events from yesterday were keeping me up.

 All I was able to think about was him. His eyes, his lips, his touch. And his sudden disappearance, of course. I feel tired but wide awake at the same time, which is clearly visible on the bags under my eyes. 

Bree never showed up, I guess she stayed at Austin's again. I'm happy that everything's working out fine for her. Still, that meant that I was all alone, which only added to my anxiety. The fact that classes are starting today doesn't really help. 

When I wake up my heart starts to race, once I realize that I'll have to sit in classes for six hours today.

I get up from bed, thinking about last night one more time, before I shake the thought out of my head and go take a quick shower. The shower room is really busy this time of day, but I quickly spot an empty cabin and get ready as fast as I can. I put on nice light blue jeans with my favorite white sweater that has extra long sleeves. I love pulling them all the way up to cuddle up right in there. I add a dark jacket and white sneakers, since it's not too cold this time of year yet. I put a few little curls in my usually straight, middle long hair.

Finally, I grab my backpack containing my tablet as well as water and a few snacks, and then I'm ready to go. My first class starts at eight, so I leave my dorm room at 7:40 am, giving me enough time to grab a coffee first. 

Still no sight of Bree. Maybe I'll see her in some of my classes. I really hope she doesn't miss her first day. It's important to show up so you get admitted to the class.

With one last big breath, I lock the door and make my way to the café. I see a lot of first semesters, like me, wandering around and trying to figure out where to go. I'm happy that I took one day to explore, so now I don't have to be as helpless as they are. I smile to myself and grab the door to the coffee shop. Thinking positive is my kind of vibe for today.

The café isn't too busy, but there's a small a line. With the social anxiety I have, I wait my turn and feel awkward just by standing here, so I spend my time staring at my phone. After, I order my usual decaf vanilla latte. When I leave the café, I check my phone and see that it's 7:50 am. Perfect timing. I won't be early but I also won't be late. 

I quickly find my room and sit at the very back. It's always good to have an easy exit, in case I do need one. So, close to the door is perfect. I take everything I need out of my backpack and wait for the class to start. Looking around the room, I see all the other first semesters waiting patiently, just like me. 

At 7:59 am, Bree comes stumbling through the door. I'm as relieved as her when we see each other. 

"I wondered if you'd be in some of my classes" I say smiling at her. 

We barely have time to talk as the lecture starts, but Bree sits down next to me and smiles, giving me a side hug. I'm super happy, if Bree's here, maybe I can focus on the lecture instead of the fact that I have to sit here for one and a half hours. And so I do. 

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