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Chapter 2.

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Dia had never really had the opportunity to explore the central city of Leicester. She was conscious about working around the clock and liked to be on time for her train home. It was fortunate that she had purchased a smartphone that would allow her to follow a map to the meeting place; otherwise, she would have found herself lost...and late.

Though she could acknowledge that most would hate to find themselves in such a predicament, for Dia she couldn't imagine anything worse. 

Thirteen months ago, Dia had been living in a hospital, working with the best neurosurgeons to discover the source of her accident. With no prior memories, her ambition after being released and gaining her freedom, was to ensure her life went back to normal, or as conventional as she could make it. Dr Ranjeet had passed on her details to a personal friend, who he had felt would support Dia as she set about her new life. A psychologist by profession, Rebecca had grown interested in Dia's case, and inspiration had struck to write a story loosely based on her current circumstances.

Tentatively, Dia had agreed to support the book and in time, Rebecca Brown became her true friend; her family. The book was their starting point, and it had developed into a camaraderie she had come to cherish deeply. Though the book had become a large part of their journey together; Rebecca also wanted her to have someone in this world that she could depend on. To be the one person loyal to fill the void her lost memories could not fill. Solitary and isolated, initially Dia was unsure, but Rebecca's genuine care and the home she had given in the form of companionship, allowed Dia to find someone she could truly trust.

Now that Rebecca's work had been completed and Dia had approved of the manuscript, she had made it her utmost priority that her friend was involved with the publishing process. Dia had been assured that unless it weren't to her liking, Rebecca would turn down any proposals that were made. Despite Dia's belief that she needn't be embroiled and trusted Rebecca wholeheartedly, her friend was adamant that she was immersed and attended all meetings, regardless of how much she trusted her.

Alas, the author was stubborn, and the result ensured Dia had been pulled away during her lunch hours to discuss marketing and global distribution. Terms that she never thought would cross her mind.

"Took you long enough." A familiar voice announced as she entered the warm hallway. Rebecca was tall, blonde and beautiful. Her smile dazzled even the most miserable of souls, yet her blue eyes held a warmth that drew people to her. It was how Dia knew she could trust Rebecca when Dr Ranj had introduced them, and what had continued to remind her that no matter how alone she felt, her friend would always be there for her.

"You know I don't know the city," Dia responded, taking the coffee that was held out to her. The heat thawed her insides, and she sipped it thankfully as they made their way to the lift, to the sixth floor.


"They're on their way," Jasper announced after replacing the phone onto the handset. He glanced at his manager whose eyes watered as he continued to read the last few pages. The red-head knew better than to try and gain Charlie's attention. He wanted him to feel the intensity of those final sentences Rebecca Brown had written, and after several years of working in the publishing industry he had learnt there was nothing worse than distracting a reader as they neared the final pages. It was simply too cruel.

The book Rebecca had written followed the main lead as she navigated her memory loss. It was more about hope and desperation to see life in a different light, and Jasper knew that the story deserved success. It was a tale that brought brightness to the darkest shadows that loomed in this world, and one of the rare few stories he thoroughly enjoyed. Taking his tablet and the notes that he had made, he walked across the corridor into the meeting room where Samuel Johnson was waiting for him.

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