Part 6

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"Lady Isabelle."

"Lady Isabelle!"

Suddenly I'm jolted from my dream at someone's clapping loudly in front of my face. It's Camber.

She's standing outside the car with the door open for me to get out.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I muffle, trying to reassure her. And also myself. I feel my hair, pieces falling out and tangling. I quickly wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth.

My dress had a few crumples but I smoothed them out. I fixed my hair by pinning it back with a few silver clips so it would at least look somewhat presentable.

"Hurry now, Lady Amelia has already arrived and the plane will depart soon." Camber reminded me, tapping her nails on her clipboard impatiently.

I pulled myself out of the seat and into the open air that brought me to the blinding sun and in front of the airport.

I grabbed my bag and tin of cookies from the car quickly before the door was shut for me.

Camber didn't wait for me, just stalked off in the direction of the entrance, expecting me to follow, and I did quickly to try and meet her pace.
As I look behind me I see the limousine has already departed and has driven nearly all the way out of view.

Camber lead me inside and to a quiet section of the airport that was bordered off from the public by a velvet rope.
There we met 2 girls, one dressed similarly to Camber, with neat hair and a stack of papers. She looked older and even more professional looking if that was possible.

The other was a girl around my age, Amelia Lockhart, with black frizzy hair done in a messy bun atop her head.

She was dressed in pale yellow dress that was long and matched her sandals. She had thin black rimmed glasses and black loop earrings. Amelia had a pin, similar to my Amethyst diamond pin, but it was a green, an Emerald I assumed.

Amelia stood, her arms crossed over her chest and she looked bored.

"Finally." Amelia's aid said, a huff of relief and annoyance.

"Sorry, this one fell straight to sleep." Camber said, not a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
The two aids then put there heads together and started talking to one another in quick, low voices.

Amelia peered at me funny, like she was sussing me out. Then she put out a delicate hand.

"Nice to meet you, Isabelle I assume." Amelia says, her look reserved.

I shook her hand quickly before she managed to pull it away. She seemed to be giving me a cold shoulder, not looking at me in a kind way, but more judgemental.

"I like your dress." I say, trying to cover the awkwardness with my small smile.

Amelia raised an eyebrow at me, "If your trying to psych me out before the competition, it's not working." She said quickly, turning away from me.

Seems like she was taking the competitive approach.

"Let's keep moving girls."

We follow the aids down many corridors and halls until we finally reach the plane. Business class.

The seats were plush and I had plenty of room. Amelia chose to sit next to me, which wasn't too close but I still took it as a kind gesture since she could have sat anywhere.

I didn't feel like chatting, and thankfully Amelia put on an eye mask and was asleep in minutes.

The next 23 hours were spent eating, sleeping and trying not to be motion sick.


Getting out of the plane at London City Airport was like being released from an invisible cage. The air smelt fresher and the ground finally felt solid.
It was the very beginning of December, whiles it's the beginning of summer in Australia it's the end of Autumn in England, heading into the chilling winters.

Amelia seemed unfazed by being in a whole new country on a different continent, and even though I had done a lot of travelling I still loved a bit of sightseeing.

"Quickly. Come on." Camber turned and barked a command to me as if I was a dog. I didn't really like her anymore.

She slid into a car, similar to the one back in Australia, after Amelia and her aid.

I was told it would take around 35 minutes to travel from the airport to the palace.

I gazed out the window most of the drive, taking in the many vast stretches of water and tall buildings.

I also noticed landmarks such as the Tower of London, then St. Paul's Cathedral on our right. And views of the London Eye could be seen as well and I hoped we would get a chance to sight see while being here.

But my thoughts, and priorities shifted as we rounded a corner to see where we would be staying for at least the next week.

Buckingham palace was even more intimidating in real life. Amelia seemed a little more nervous now, taking in the sight and constantly readjusting how her glasses sat on her nose.

Crowds of people and tourists swarmed the entrances so the driver took us in and around the back where it appeared to be sectioned off from the public.
I saw more ornate sculptures and water features around the gardens than I ever had in my life.

Guards dotted every door and entrance way to the palace, standing at attention.

We drove around a long driveway, pulling up to a side door that we would go in.

Once the limo stopped moving the driver came around the side and held the door open for us to get out.
Camber and Amelia's aid got out quickly, but Amelia hesitated.

She looked scared, frozen in her seat.

"Hey." I say, extending a hand out to her with a friendly smile.

She hesitated for only a moment before reaching to take my hand in hers. I smiled and she seemed to give me a half grateful smile. Amelia stepped out of the car beside me and we both let out a breath of shock.

The massive, elegantly decorated walls of the palace loomed before us.

"Ok girls, follow me." Camber took charge, waving us over to the side entrance to the palace. I tried to take in all my surroundings but we were moving too fast.

We came in the side door to a long corridor, which had doors lining the walls on either side.

We turned to go up a staircase and we made it to the second floor. Then we continued up the stairs to the third floor.

The floor was marble and the walls were hung with golden framed paintings.
The sound of shoes clicking echoed through the halls and several officers came to escort us to where we needed to be.

Even though there were people beside me it remained oddly quiet. No one seemed to speak above even the tiniest of whispers.

Extravagant chandeliers of shining crystals dotted the roof and lit up the otherwise dark hall.
It was strange to be in a palace. And even stranger that this bachelor-spin off show was still a thing amongst modern day royalty.

Here I was, walking through the palace, holding hands with a girl who I was essentially competing with.
"It's awfully quiet." Amelia whispered to me, tucking a strand of her black hair behind her ear with her free hand.

I nodded and replied quietly, "I know, it's kind of creepy."

Amelia's aid looked back at us with distaste, like us talking was not allowed. I caught a glimpse of her pin, Davina, that shone silver in the light.

Camber and Davina had similar outfits and seemed to walk in sync with every step across the hall. They must be trained professionally together or something.

Or maybe it was a fluke.

We arrived at a set of large oak doors, stunning patterns carved out of the wood, that read 'Makeup and Dressing Rooms' on the engraved gold plate.

Camber nodded to Amelia and I before pushing the great big doors open.

"Ladies, welcome to the palace."

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