Chapter 8 - Round Three (Final Round)

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"ROUND THREE." The evil voice then whispered said as the clock strike three times.

"Guys?!" Jessi called them, fear was heard in her voice. Maddie got up with Veronica standing up not taking her eyes of Luke. She turned around and looked around.

"What else do you want?! What else do you want from us?! You're not winning against us three! You're not getting us!!" Veronica shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Veronica! Calm down!" Maddie said holding her shoulders.

"I can't calm down! It took away everything from me!" Veronica said crying.

"You're not the only one whose lost someone close! I've lost Brad! Your best friend just lost her brother!" Jessi said.

"You're right! We're finishing this! And this curse or whatever shit! Is ending tonight!" Veronica said her tears turning into anger and seriousness. Then a card flew next Jessi. She picked it up and read it.

Go down the basement and pull out the chain

Then the clock rang twice.

"Two minutes." Maddie said.

"That isn't difficult." Jessi said.

"Be careful, it could be a trick one." Veronica said as they all began to walk towards the basement. The three girls stood in front of the basement door staring at it for ten seconds.

"Jess, open the door." Maddie said. Jessie looked back at them before opening the door and walking in first. Then the old telephone rang behind Maddie and Veronica whom both looked back.

"What is...." Then the basement door slammed shut.

"ARH!" They screamed out as the phone stopped ringing.

"Hey open this door!" Jessi said.

"We can't! It's lock!" Maddie yelled as she tried pulling and turning the door knob. Maddie also tried that and also pushing though the door but it won't open.

"Open the door!" Jessi sobbed while banging on the door.

"Jessi! Jessi! Just relax and complete your dare! It's almost over!" Veronica said.

"I can't!" Jessi said.

"Yes you can! You have to!" Veronica said.

"Okay!" Jessi said as the lights in the basement suddenly came on.

"Arh!" She screamed. She then slowly walked down until she found the chains.

"Jessi! Hurry up! You have less than a minute!" Maddie said.

"Okay! I found the chain!" She said. She then took the chain up but something scared her.

"Arhhhhh!!!!" She scream at the clown mask under under the chains.

"Jessi?!" Veronica called as she and Maddie out their ears on the door.

"It's just a mask!" Jessi whispered to herself. She was very afraid of clowns even if it's a fake clown.

"Jessi?! Say something!" Maddie called.

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