Chapter 12

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After dinner the three attended a session in the meeting room, where they all sat around and several of the returning campers asked all the new guys in the room, questions about how they were liking the camp so far.

A few minutes later, one of the counselors that had arrived with the returnees, came in and headed to the front of the room. She bent over to retrieve a remote control from the bottom shelf of the TV stand, raised up and proceeded to start a movie on the TV.

"Tonight's movie," she announced in a soft, sexy, feminine voice. "is, To All the Boys I've Loved Before."

As she turned and leaned over to put the remote back, Belinda leaned over to Julie, with a huge grin on his face.

Without taking his eyes off the counselor he commented, "Wow, is she friggin' hot or what?"

Julie, who's eyes were trained on the counselor, replied, "Yeah, her cute little butt looks amazing in those tight yoga pants. When she bent over I could hear ever fiber in those pants cry unkle. If I have to live the rest of my life as a boy, It'll be okay, but only as long as I have a girl like her on my arm."

"She wouldn't have you," one of the returning campers in front of them commented, having overheard their conversation. "I guarantee her manhood's larger than both of yours combined."

Julie and Belinda's jaws dropped.


"No way. You're kidding, right?"

The other camper grinned and nodded.

At this point Terry spoke up, "I'd pay to see that."

Finding it hard to believe that this foxy minx had been born a boy: Julie, Belinda, and Terry watched her rear sway left and right as she sauntered all the way back across the room and out the door.

Once the counselor was out of sight, Julie spoke, "Guys, as fine as she is, I can't believe I'm saying this, but regardless of how bad I want her, there's one thing I actually want more."

"What's that?"

"To be her."

"Why in the world would I be want to be her if I could have her," Belinda questioned.

Julie gave Belinda a quick, playful slap across the back of her head, "Um, hello? Do you not realize there's not a chance in hell either of us will ever have the opportunity to have a girl even half as hot as her."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Belinda replied with a shrug. "If I can't live my life with a dream girl like that, the next best thing is for me to become a girl just like her and give some other boy his dream."

"So what you saying is, she can have any guy she wants," Terry asked.

"Absolutely, without a doubt," Belinda sighed.

"Well, when you put it that way . . . makes me think maybe I should rethink this whole, become a girl thing," Terry told the group, with a hungry grin plastered across his face.

Three of them turned their attention toward the movie, but two of them, Julie and Belinda didn't really focus on the movie.

Belinda continued to picture the counselor in his mind and imagined all kinds of sexual things he'd like to do to her or have her do to him.

Julie, on the other hand, fantasized about being a girl just as drop dead gorgeous, just as perfect as that counselor. Throughout the entire movie, Julie imagined all the things he would do, as that girl, in order to provide some lucky guy with the same amazing life that he knew he would never get to experience with a girl himself.

By the end of the movie, Julie had worked himself into such an intensely aroused state that he was afraid to stand up. Afraid everyone could see his arousal tenting the front of his dress.

Luckily everyone was so focused on getting back to their cabin that no one paid Julie and his predicament any attention.

By the time they got back to the room, he had been able to think enough neutral thoughts to get his 'issue' to go away.

Once again, lying in the darkness, Julie silently prayed himself to sleep.

"God, it's me again. Today was another amazing day. Thank you for that. I'll take whatever joy in this department that you choose to bless me with, but you know what would be better than what I asked for yesterday, what I made up my mind during that movie that I really really want more tbs anything for my life? . . . To wake up tomorrow and find that I've turned into a girl just as sexy, desirable, and absolutely perfect as that counselor, with my parents having no memory of me ever having been a boy, believing instead that I'd always been their daughter. To be one of your perfect angels send down from above with the sole mission and purpose of making some guy's life heaven on earth. Oh, and if you did the same thing for Belinda, there's two guys out there somewhere that would get to live their perfect, fantasy life. It's just a thought, but I'd be eternally grateful if you did. I just know Belinda would too."

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