Chapter 4

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     It's been a couple of weeks since the last time I saw Robert, he was always at my job. I knew that because I could constantly smell his scent everywhere. I guess it is kind of my fault for not seeing him as much since I've been avoiding the heck out of him. What am I supposed to say? 'Oh, Robert, I've thought about you for every single day since we first met and I want to be with you.' No, absolutely not. I haven't even told my parents that I'm apparently gay and I don't know how my family is going to take it. And if I do accept him what does that mean for me? I would have to quit my job because I would probably live in the castle with him. And that's a way too far of a drive to work. Would I have to be the bottom? Ew no. I don't want anything going in my butthole. Especially that. Although I bet it's huge and he would probably leave me a screaming mess- NO STOP BRAIN! Why does this keep happening? 'It's because you want him just as much as I do.' Axel said. 'No I don't okay? Why are you okay with having a guy mate? I thought you loved girls?' I said back to my wolf. 'Yeah I used to, but that was before I realized our mate is a hunk of a man. If I were you, which technically I am, I would just call him in the office now. Submit and let him take us however he wants.' I almost gagged at what he was saying. 'No it's not gonna be that easy.' I growled in my head and cut off the link. 

      I tried to focus on some more work but it was really hard and I was getting annoyed and frustrated. There were too many unemployed wolves that it was hard to find spots for them based on their previous work history. Most of them weren't anywhere near qualified enough for some of these jobs. I heard a knock on my office door and yelled a quick come in, which I wish I hadn't. In walked the man I was dreading. He walked in and closed the door and locked it. What's up with him and locked doors? He then sat down in front of me and didn't say a word. "How can I help you?" I asked finally breaking the silence. I saw he had finally grown out a little stubble, it looked really good. "Why haven't you called mate?" He said. His voice made me feel naughty feelings that should not happen at work. "I've been busy, you know with work. I haven't thought about it." I said shrugging and leaning back into my chair. I didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did. I saw him flinch at my words and it made my heart hurt. I had to hold back the urge to kiss him and apologize. "You're telling me you haven't thought about me once? You're lying. Because I have thought about you every second of every day since we met in that office." He leaned forward and never broke eye contact with me and I could see he was being sincere.

      "Anyways, what are you doing tonight? I want to take you on a date." Robert said leaning back. "Unfortunately I have plans to have my family over for dinner tonight. Big Italian family tradition and it's my turn to host and cook which will be interesting." I said fidgeting with a pen on my desk. "And why is that?" He's a curious little guy. "I have a big family, they want dinner by seven and I'm not off till five so I'm going to be rushing. And I still haven't gone to the grocery store to get the ingredients for my homemade pasta or my sauce." I sighed remembering all the other reasons why I'm stressed. "How can I help?" Robert said. I looked into his eyes to see if he was serious and he was. "You want to help? Can you even cook?" I asked looking him up and down. "Actually, yes I can." He said with a cocky smirk. Of course, he can he is perfect. I was debating whether to say no, I didn't want to be around me longer than I had to but at the same time I really needed the help and I'm not going to ask Ashley cause she has no idea what she is doing. And she's also not allowed to family dinners cause technically we aren't mates. My grandparents have a mate only policy. But then that means they are going to find out I'm gay...tonight.

     "Ugh...I don't know. We have an only mate as guest policy and that means if you are there they are going to find out about this and I'm not ready for that. I don't even know if I'm ready to accept you as a mate yet. This is all too much." I said rubbing my temples. "Look, I know this is a surprise for both of us but I want this to work. I want to get to know you and be with you and have that happily ever after. Just give me a chance tonight okay? If it is too awkward with your family and you want me to leave then I will, but if it goes good...give me a chance okay?" I had my hands in his and I could feel the tingles shooting up and down my arm. "Fine. Here's my address, dress casual. And by casual I mean nice jeans and a nice T-shirt. I'm going to the grocery store right after work and I won't be at my house until 5:45 ish. Okay?" I said pulling out my phone and texting him my address. "Got it." He stood and I thought he was finally leaving but instead, he walked around my desk and grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me to his chest. He looked down at my lips and flickered back from them to my eyes. I don't know why but I was going to let him kiss me. He started to lean forward and I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to land but they never did. Instead, it was a hug, he gave me a hug. "I'll see you a dinner." He let go and smirked at me. Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing. He wants to play games...well then let's play.





      I had just got home and brought in all 20 bags of groceries from whole foods. I need to get to work and start cooking it was now 5:35. I got back a little sooner than I thought so Robert wouldn't be here for a while. I'm a little nervous having him over at my house, what if he thinks it's ugly compared to the castle? I'm not rich I'm hoping he doesn't think I'm poor though either. I quickly tidied up and then went to my room to change my clothes. I put on slim black jeans, with a red v-neck that was a little tight. It showed off my muscles and you could see the outline of my abs kind of, which I liked. I fixed my curls by adding a little more Moose to it. And I left my black socks on since I don't wear shoes around the house. I went back to the kitchen and turned on some music and started taking out all the ingredients for dinner tonight. For dinner tonight I was making different main course meals, no dessert or appetizers. The visitors normally bring those dishes from home. 

      I heard my doorbell ring and ran to the door. I opened it and there he was in all his glory, looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing a black v-neck and light wash skinny jeans and Adidas tennis shoes. He had his hair down which was a little longer than shoulder length and it was wavy. "Hey." He said and he handed me three bottles of Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1992. Which is the most EXPENSIVE wine in the world! "What the heck! How did you get these??" I said pulling him into the house. "These literally cost $500,000 each!" I was amazed that he got these. "Well, I kind of know the owner. He's my dad." He said with a shrug. "If I had known that your dad was the owner of the most expensive wine in the world I would have invited him to dinner," I said chuckling. "Next time," he said giving me a kiss on my forehead. I'm surprised that I'm allowing all of this physical touch from him, it's the stupid mate bond. "Whoa, take your shoes off, Mister," I said to him he could keep walking in my house. As he was taking his shoes off I walked to the kitchen and put the wine to chill while Robert and I cooked. 

      "Robert hurry up! We don't have time to waste." I yelled as he finally found where I was. "Alright what are we making for dinner?" He asked. "Alright, so we are making a couple of things. We are first making Arancini which is a stuffed rice bowl fried. Lasagna, Proscuitto, and Spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread of course. My parents, my grandparents and my aunt and two uncles. My two older brothers and my three little sisters. My older brothers and their mates and my niece. And I think that is it." I said organizing my ingredients getting started on my homemade pasts. "Oh wow, that's a big family. What do you want me to do first?" He said grabbing one of my extra aprons and putting it on. "I'm going to work on the pasta and my sauce and you are going to do the garlic bread, seems simple enough. Oh, and once I'm done with the pasta for the lasagna you can make that too. We only have an hour and a half." I put my apron on and started on making my pasta's.  "Yes, sir." He said. I kind of smirked when he said that. I liked it.  "Wait I thought you said dinner was at 7 not 7:30?" Robert said in the middle of cutting bread. "Yeah it is, but we're Italian we are never on time for anything." I chuckled and he did too, and let me just say it was a glorious sound. Axel liked it too. 

      Even though I hate to admit it, I think I'm falling for this guy.





OOOOOOUUU they are in love! What do you guys think too quick? Not enough pull and chase? Not enough conflict. Trust me the conflict is coming okay! Hold on to your hearts and grab your tissues because soon I will have you crying...and that's a promise. Until the next...

danny manny

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