They Are Watching You

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"Okay, stop!" I say breathlessly when we get home and to our bedroom. I yank my hand from his and bend over resting my palms on my knees.

I gulp attempting to get some air before facing him. "Just tell me," I say hopelessly. "It cannot be worse than what I already know."

Rocky blinks away a tear.

"Sky," he says as if testing the waters. "There are cameras at your parents house."

I watch him in confusion. "Cameras?"

"I noticed them when we went in. Two by the front door, one in the hallway and two in the bedroom."

"Okay," I say. "My parents are rich and successful. They're probably there for safety reasons."

Rocky shakes his head. "That's what I originally thought when we entered the house but when we got to the bedroom it didn't seem right."

"Why did it not seem right?"

"They pinned red when we entered each room. Someone was watching us and I highly doubt your parents would do that."

"What does pinned red mean?"

"As in the light on the camera turned on as we walked past. Even the camera moved with our movement."

I shake my head. "Wouldn't my parents know if someone had a camera installed at their place? That's ridiculous!"

Rocky looks down at his shoes.

Dread suddenly takes over. Rocky obviously knows the rest of the jigsaw puzzle, hence why he's saying all this. That's the part that scares me the worst.

"What was in the cupboard?"

Rocky takes a photo out of his jacket pocket and holds it up. "Look familiar."

I grab the photo and that's when my mouth drops open. It's a photo from school — graduation year. It's Rocky and his group of friends, and right beside Rocky standing is the odd one out. Me.

I shake my head. "Isn't this the photo your parents took."

Rocky nods.

"I don't get it," I say.

"Look behind us," he says.

Surely enough, there in the background of our graduation photo stands my father and another lady. Arm in arm.

"Please don't tell me this is Paul's mother."

Rocky shakes his head. "Paul's mother is dead."

"So Dad was having an affair," I say.

Rocky shakes his head. "This is exactly why I didn't want to show you the photo."

"Why?!" I shout.

"Because you're jumping to conclusions. Sky, we don't know the whole story."

"Oh but I do," I say. "Another reason to feel let down by him."

Rocky reaches out for my hand as I attempt to pull it away. "There's more," he says.

I stop resisting and pause to listen to him. "What do you mean?"

"There was a letter," he says. "I'll tell you what it says but only if you really want to know. I am warning you, it might be a bad idea."

"I'm done with good ideas. Just tell me."

"The letter states that they need to tell you you're adopted, despite the fact that you're not or their estate will once again be handed over."

I shake my head. "Are you saying I'm not adopted?"

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