Chapter 20 - Silly Girl

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Amanda Estelle

3 weeks without Logan.

I'm literally shaking when the plane arrived in Coppenhagen. My whole body was crazily shaking that I can't wait to see Logan. 3 weeks was a torture for me even though I get through it just fine.

I miss him so much that I can't wait to see him.

He told me that he will send someone to pick me up at the airport and we will see each other soon. I quickly got my luggage and walked out from the airport. I saw someone holding a card with my name written on it and I walked to him.

"Ms. Estelle." He greeted and he took my luggage right away. There's already a car waiting for me and I got inside the car.

"Good Afternoon, Ms. Estelle. How's your flight?" The chauffer asked me and I smiled.

"It was good."

"I'm Mike and I'll be your chauffer for the rest of your stay here in Coppenhagen. Here's my number and if you need anything, I'm one call away." He said as he gave me his business card. I chuckled and thanked him.

He startes to drive and my heart started to beating so fast. I looked down to my hands trying to calm my ass down. My phone rang and it's Logan.


"I know you're on your way here.. I'm excited." He said and I smiled so much today that my cheek bones hurt.

"Me too. I can't even sleep last night." I said as I smacked my cheek lightly.

"Me too and I wonder why we didn't call each other." He chuckled.

"Mike, how long will it take to get to the destination?" I asked.

"Around 15 minutes, Ms. Estelle." He answered.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Logan.

"Yeah, I'm already waiting for you here at the palace."

"I think my heart is going to burst out, it's crazy." I said as I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart beating like I just ran 5K or something.

"3 weeks was a long time, it's torturing us both huh?" He asked and I found myself nodding even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, it's painful. We both were too attach with each other."

"Next week, it's my turn to go to London.. so we have a lot of time to see each other." I smiled hearing him say that. Now we both are in silent, we're going to each other but none of us want to end the call.

"We're here, Ms. Estelle." Mike said and I looked the window.

"It's beautiful." I said as he car drove into the palace. Apparently we entered the palace through the back and I'm not complaining because I bet Logan doesn't want any scandal surrounding us. We're just friends but he still has to keep his reputation.

My eyes saw Logan standing outside the door. My eyes started to tear up and when the car stopped, I immediately opened the door and ran to him.

"Hey Mandy." He said as I hugged him tightly.

"I miss you so much." Logan said as he hugged me back. He caressed my head and I cried.

"Hey hey.. are you crying?" He asked as he released the hug. We both looked at each other and I can't explain how happy I am to see him.

"Are you wearing make up?" He asked as he carefully wipe my tears. I cupped his face and I hugged him again. He chuckled.

"There there.. I'm here." He said and I released the hug.

"You look beautiful." He said as he wiped tears from my eyes. I smiled and he patted my head before taking my hand to walk inside. The palace is so beautiful and so big.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows.

"Please tell me that you cook me something." I said and he nodded. I squealed and he brought me to the kitchen. He cooked me a pasta and my favorite croissant.

"You're the best." I said and he picked me up by my waist to sit on the kitchen table. He gave me pasta and a fork.

"How about you?"

"I ate with my parents earlier so.. I'm full." He said as he patted his stomach.

"Speaking about your parents.. I'm nervous."

"Don't be, I'm here with you." He said as he gestured me to eat. I started to eat and I can't help but enjoying it.

"It's so good.. I miss it."

"Really? That bad?"

"Yeah.." I nodded.

"Did you lose a lot of weight?" He asked as he looked at me from head to toe.

"I don't think so.."

"Do you miss me that much?" He smirked and I glared at him.

"I do.. happy?"

"Eat.." He said as he walked to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I quickly ate my pasta and then he gave me my favorite croissant to eat later. He helped me to get down from the kitchen table and we walked out from the kitchen.

"The palace is beautiful." I said admiring it.

"Let's go to the garden.. you'll love it." He said and I nodded. We walked out to the garden and he was right. It's so beautiful and there's a lot of flowers too.

"I want you to meet someone." He said as he held my hand pulling me towards a small dog house.

"Coco." He called and a cute black labrador came out from the dog house.

"Hello Coco." Coco wiggled her tail happily as she saw Logan. She jumped to Logan's arms right away and I patted her head.

"She's so cute." I said and Coco licked my hand.

"And she likes you.. Want to play with Coco?" Logan asked and I nodded. Logan grabbed a tennis ball on the ground and gave it to me.

"Throw it wherever you like.." He said and I threw the ball. Coco ran so fast to get the ball.

"She's so fast."

"Not like you.." He said and I smacked his arm.

"I'm not slow, okay?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You are.. sometimes I want to call you a sloth, Mandy." I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"Come here, Coco. You're the most beautiful girl in the world." Logan said as he hugged Coco and threw the ball again.

"The most beautiful girl? Wow.." I said and he turned to me smirking.

"You're on the 2nd place."

"Thanks.." I said flatly as I pretended to cry.

"You silly girl.." He said.

TRS #1 : PrincezoneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora