Chapter 1

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      I sat in a small room with nothing but a table between my boss, Will Simons, and I. He was staring at me, holding a folder in his hands, and I stared back unfazed. His eyes were cold, calculating on me and I gulped. I had never seen Will so serious.

     "Who are you, Clarissa?" Will asked.

     "Who am I?" I asked, blinking.

     "Yes, who are you?"

     I stared at Will, wondering why he was asking that. I'd been working for him since I was sixteen years old and I was now twenty, which meant we'd known each other for four years. And Will wasn't just my boss, he was my best friend - who was also, only three years older than me, so I wondered where the question came from.

      "Are you just going to sit there and look pretty, Clarissa?" Will asked, dropping the folder onto the table and crossing his arms over his chest. He gave me a look and I returned the look, but with a smirk.

     "No, but damn Will. I feel like I'm being interrogated," I said, amused. "I'm Clarissa Hart, a spy at Secret Spy Intelligence or because we're too lazy to say the whole name, SSI. I'm twenty years old and I'm currently working under you."

      A small smile appeared on Will's face and he opened the folder and pulled out a paper. He slid it towards me faced down and I stared at the paper that lay in front of me. Glancing at Will, I tried to read him and figure out what was going on, but his face was a blank slate - unreadable.

      Slowly turning the page over, I grew surprised to see that it was actually a photo of a man with blonde hair and vivid blue eyes. He was muscular, his body sculpted like a greek god and anyone could recognize him. I could and I looked back up at Will, wondering where this was going.

      "Do you know who that man is?" Will asked.

     "Yes, it's the Linhedge's notorious drug dealer," I said. "Kyle Rivers."

      "So you're not just a pretty face."

      I rolled my eyes and shot Will a look, wishing he'd just get to the point. The suspense was killing me.

      "Yes, that's Kyle Rivers, the man who's been dealing marijuana - which is illegal in our city - to our citizens," Will said. "We're all sure it's him. I don't know how we don't have proof that he's the one behind the sudden surge of marijuana in our city, but we still have no proof that he's the one dealing the drugs out. We don't know who he works under either and that's why we need you."

      My attention perked at that and my heart skipped a beat as I realized finally. After years of being a background character in others' missions, of spectating on the sidelines, it seemed like Will was finally giving me a mission. I grew excited, even though I had no idea what my mission would be.

      "What's my mission?" I asked.

     "Kyle's a lone wolf - he doesn't let anyone into his life," Will said, the corner of his lip lifting up. "That will be, until he meets you - the beautiful girl with chocolate hair and stunning green eyes. I want you to make him fall for you. I want you to get so close to him that he tells you all his crimes and who he works under. And then you'll gather proof and bring it to us, and we'll arrest him. How does that sound?"

      "You want me to make Kyle fall in love with me?" My eyes flew wide. "Do you really think that's going to work?"

      "Yes, and it's a very important mission, too. We've been watching this guy for a year now and we still have no proof of his crimes. We need you to finally get him arrested."

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