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I take Crowley's arm as we walk down the road to the bookshop. I see him maneuvering with his cane and then hear someone yell "ow." I look around and ask Crowley, "What did you do?" He smirks and laughs, "Well, they were in my way." I scold gently, "Crowley, you can't hit people's ankles with your cane dear." He stops and turns to me, even though he can't see me I know he's looking with his heart and sees the me he saw before he lost his sight due to hells punishment. "Why the hell not, angel?" I shake my head, and then say, "It's rude, dear. People usually move and let us pass anyway." He smiles again but then thinks, "Oh, right angel." We continue on the path he knows so well, I don't truly need to hold his arm to guide him but I do anyway because I'm overprotective. We make it to the bookshop and he opens the door and then walks straight to his couch. His sense of direction is incredible and I follow close behind him, and we get drunk while talking about our day.

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