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After ensuring that they were not being followed or watched, the evil duo made their way for the Agreste mansion. Never in their wildest dreams had either of them thought they would be trusted so much by Hawk Moth himself, or that they would trust him one day.

The past was in the past. No going back.

By orders of Gabriel, the Gorilla had no choice but to let the two violent supervillains into the huge house. Everyone had figured he was too dumb to realize what was going on in that house regarding miraculouses and identities. Just as always, he remained totally silent.

Once inside, Chat Blanc led the way to his father's office, and pushed inside without a word. He paused to hold the door open for Miss Fortune, then followed her up to the painting of his beautiful mother, Emilie Agreste. He hesitated for a moment, gazing up at the mosaic art. Excitement sent a thrill through him, and he smiled. In just a few minutes, she would revive from her endless sleep and come back to them. To Gabriel, her husband. To him, her son.

Having been taught where the mechanical indents were, and being the taller of the two, Chat reached up and pressed his fingers into the special places on the painting. A second later, the circle of floor where he and the former Ladybug stood sank down into the ground, down a long tube like an elevator until the giant secret basement of the house came into view. Gabriel's white and red form was visible across the long catwalk beside his wife's coffin-like life supporter.

The platform lowered all the way to the ground, and the door slid open. Miss Fortune and Chat Blanc stepped out and made their way swiftly down the metal railed walkway, silent until they reached their master.

"Good to see you again, son, future daughter-in-law." Gabriel grinned with genuine pleasure. "Now: may I see the miraculous?"

Both began reaching for their jewel, but Miss Fortune stopped before she pulled hers off. "Wait," she ventured, a suspicious look darkening her expression. "This is my miraculous as well as my akuma. If you take it away, and his ring . . ."

Chat Blanc froze, then scowled. "Father . . . ?"

"No worries, children," Gabriel replied calmly. "Remember— the akuma adds certain powers. Your transformation and magic will remain even if you lose your object. The only way for you to lose your powers is if I or someone broke the miraculouses. But I need them in use, don't I? All I need it to use them to revive Emilie, and then you will get them right back. And besides, I couldn't break them even if I wanted to."

As he explained, the two relaxed as they saw the logic in his words. Miss Fortune removed her earrings, as Chat Blanc slid off his ring. Just as Gabriel had said, their outfits remained, so they handed the magic jewels to him.

The older man took them, held them together in his hands, and raised them up in Emilie's direction. "I hold the earrings of the the Ladybug and the ring of the Black Cat!" he declared, his deep voice echoing around the giant room. "Emilie Agreste, I wish you would be healed and awaken!"

Light purple rays shone forth from the two magical jewels, illuminating the entire basement. All three of them shielded their eyes from the powerful and intense glow, and only dared to look after the lights had faded. A moment later, having been enveloped by the two miraculous' powers, Emilie slowly opened her emerald green eyes, blinked a few times, then slowly sat up. Gabriel had already removed the glass cover, so now the beautiful young woman gazed down at the three people in front of her with confusion evident in her expression. "Gabriel?" she ventured. "What . . . what happened?"

Gabriel's blue eyes had filled with joyful tears. "Emilie," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "My sweet Emilie . . ." Not answering her question, he climbed up to where she sat and embraced her lovingly, then kissed her. Emilie's bewilderment was replaced with affection, and she smiled radiantly.

Meanwhile, Chat Blanc looked as if he would break. "Mom?" he mumbled vaguely, love and joy clouding his face. Emilie peered over her husband's shoulder and blinked in surprise at her son's appearance. "Adrien, is that you?" Giddily she scrambled down the coffin with Gabriel, then flung her arms around him. "Oh, my baby! My precious baby, I've missed you so much! When did you get so tall?!" She covered his face with kisses, while Miss Fortune watched with a content smile.

"You're everything he's ever said you were," the black and red villainess commented softly to her boyfriend's mother, and Emilie grinned in acknowledgement before looking more closely at the young girl. "And who might you be?"

"She's my pawsome girlfriend," Chat replied warmly. Emilie stared back at her son in surprise.

"How old are you again?"

"Almost fifteen," Chat Blanc answered proudly, and laughed when his mother gaped with amazement.

"Come on, we must get back up to Paris," Gabriel exclaimed excitedly. His wife really did bring out the best in him. He looked like a happy puppy, very unlike his strict and stern reputation as a famous fashion designer and single father.

The four began heading back down the catwalk to the elevator, but they'd only gone half the distance when Chat Blanc abruptly broke into a coughing fit. Miss Fortune paused at his side, and touched his shoulder with concern when he had to grab the railing to keep from collapsing. "Chat, you okay?"

The attack finally settled, but in a suddenly weakened state, he fell forward to his knees on the hollow metal surface. Miss Fortune crouched beside him in alarm, as Gabriel and Emilie came walking back to see what was wrong.

"Adrien, is everything alright?" his mother questioned anxiously. "Do you feel sick, or something?"

"I-I'm . . . fine." He took a deep breath, and with his girlfriend's help rose to his feet again. "Just a little tired."

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