Chapter 29 - Shattered

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Catherine Ashton

I looked at the ballroom blankly debating should I go inside or go back to the hotel. Why am I here in the first place? Just to see Jacob? I was going to take a step back when somebody poke my shoulder. I turned to see Brad smiling at me.

"He's in there.." He said and I nodded.

"You need to talk to him." He added.

"I don't think we have things to talk, Brad." I said and he pushed me into the ballroom. He pointed at Jacob who's currently talking to someone with a beautiful blonde girl in his arms.

"He has a girlfriend." I said as I turned to Brad.

"You know him well, Catherine. You worked for him for years."

"But that's years ago.. he might have change." I said and Brad shook his head.

"Just go and talk.. you both deserve to know what's good what's poppin' right?" He chuckled trying to lift the mood a little bit. I nodded and I took a really deep breath before walking towards Jacob. I was so nervous that I kept holding on to my dress tightly.

As I was going closer to him, the girl in his arm kissed his cheek and walked away. I took this opportunity to walk to him. When he saw me, his eyes turned cold and I wanted to take a step back and just runaway but I can't.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Just tell me.. what do you want and then you can leave.." He said in a cold tone.

"Can we talk.. alone?" I asked and he nodded. He gestured me to go first and I lead him out from the ballroom. I walked towards an empty hallway and he stood in front of me waiting for me to spill everything.

"I.. I just want to say sorry for what happened 2 years ago." I said in a really nervous tone, I couldn't even look into his eyes.

"Okay." He nodded and then he looked at me again waiting for me to continue but I was speechless to see his reaction to my statement.

"Okay?" I asked him again.

"We both moved on right? So.. I'll accept the apology." He said but I still see the coldness through his eyes.

"You moved on?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"I.. I'm sorry for-"

"2 years ago, I was so excited to get married to this wonderful woman named Catherine Ashton. I was ready to risk everything from moving my business from New York and Toronto to LA and then I'm ready to risk my heart for her. I was ready to settle down and I'm ready to have a future with her but I guess she didn't see that." He bursted in an angry tone suddenly and that surprised me. I can feel that he was hurt so bad and I was the cause of it.

"I'm done with it, Catherine. I'm over it already so.. I just hope that you don't comeback into my life again. I accept your apology and I'm already happy now." He turned his body but I caught his arm.

"But I'm not.. I want you.. I miss you.. and I want us to be together. 2 years is enough for us to grow, Jacob." I said and he turned to me again.

"Enough? Enough for us to grow? Did you hear yourself? I was in love with you, Catherine. I was so in love with you!" He bursted and that shut me up. My heart was in pain hearing it and I regreted all the things that I do 2 years ago.

"I was trying to tie you down.. That's why I kept holding on to the marriage and even ask you for a heir because I wanted to tie you down." I can see sadness in his eyes and it was so clear that I.. broke this man's heart.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were busy with your own worlds, you worried to much.. and you kept telling yourself that the marriage won't work."

"But you doubt about it too?!" I bursted back remembering the day that he came to my house in LA completely angry at me for talking about Eden.

"I doubted it because you kept backing up with the marriage. The ring.. Eden.. your work in LA and everything. Besides you never want this in the first place.. you kept talking about divorce again and again when I'm trying my best to keep up with you." That hit me good.

"Do you think for 2 years I'm only busy with work and settling down my company? No, Catherine. I was crazy.. I wanted you so much that my heart can't even handle it." I looked at him disbelief and I found my eyes filled with tears.

"You ruined me enough, Catherine. I'm done.. I'm backing out from this love shit." He said as he raised his hands up.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm happy now and I hope you're too." He said as he walked backwards. I was going to stop him but he walked away. Tears came out from my eyes like a waterfall. My legs were so weak that I can't even stand straight. I supported my body by leaning my body to the walls.

"There there.." I looked up to see Brad and he slowly pulled me into his arms hugging me. I cried my heart out and I felt my chest hurt so much. My heart.. my mind were in pain.

"I don't what he just said but.. I hope you can understand him, Catherine." Brad said as he patted my back.

"I hurt him.. I hurt him, Brad." I said and Brad hugged me tighter.

"There there.." He tried to calm me down.

"I'll take you back to the hotel." He said and I nodded. I wiped my tears and he lead me to his car. As soon as I got inside, I put on the seatbelt and he got into the car with a black box in his hands.

"He was planning to give you this when you're going back with him to Toronto 2 years ago.." He said and I opened the box slowly. It was a really beautiful necklace and there's a small letter next to it. I opened the letter and my heart shattered.

I hope you like the necklace.
I can't wait to get married in a week.
I know this might be a present out of the blue but I'm ready to have a crazy life time experience with you.

*side note.. the L is like not love so.. don't get too excited.

"He was so excited for the wedding, Catherine. The second that you left that day, he called me telling me that you left. He was heart broken and as he arrived in Toronto.. he got into a car crash. He went into a coma for almost a month.. we almost lost him.."

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