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"Rosa, you look sick." Grace pointed out the first thing as soon as her eyes landed on me.

Last night, after the whole Caden Incident, I couldn't make myself to sleep and it was not until two thirty seven in the morning that my eyes actually started to feel droopy and just my luck, I had yet another nightmare which led me to wake up at four twenty two and I had been awake since then.

"Rough night." I shrugged away the question with a lazy smile and closed my eyes, resting my head on the window of the car.

I was tired and had zero to no energy in my body to survive for the day. My eyes were burning due to lack of sleep and my head was hurting like crazy. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get the pain away, not even after gulping down the meds. All I wanted to do was sleep for three days straight, but considering how that option was not possible, I sighed inwardly and tried to get some sleep on our way to uni.

"Another nightmare?" She asked and I let out a small 'hmm', she didn't further press anymore questions looking at my tired state, but I was sure I was going to get it hard.

Soon enough, we reached the gates of the university and I unbuckled the seat belt letting out a small yawn—Something that I had been doing all morning. Grace gave me a worried look, but I ignored it as we continued walking towards our first class. Luckily, we were on time, so there was no need for having yet another marathon.

"Rosa, why don't you take a day off?"

"I am fine Gracie, just sleepy."

With that said, I put my head over my crossed arms on the desk and closed my eyes in an hope to get atleast a few minutes of sleep. Minutes passed, the bell rang, the professor came, started teaching, but I still could not sleep. With a tired sigh, I pulled my head up and rubbed away some sleep with my fingers and drank some water in order to remain awake as much I can.

In the exact same routine, four lectures passed and now, it was time for lunch and I was as sleepy as a panda. I let out yet another yawn, as we walked towards the cafeteria. I sat down on the chair with a plop, followed by Grace. My head was resting on my hands which were on the table, when I heard two chairs screeching.

I looked up to find a very happy and enthusiast, Joshua and a very angry and straight faced, Caden.

"Hello, how are my two most beautiful ladies in the world?" Joshua asked, earning a growl from Grace and a yawn from me.

"Not really good, I suppose?" He asked, his grin turning small and the fact that I was partly the reason behind it made me feel bad, so I instantly put a huge fat smile on my face and greeted him properly.

"Had a rough night, nothing else. What about you? How was your trip?" I asked, taking a small glance towards him who was shooting daggers at me which I subtly ignored. Just a glance at him made me touch the side of my waist which had the implant of his fingers and this small action, definitely didn't get unnoticed by him.

"Oh, it was amazing! You won't believe what happened—" And that was it for Joshua to go on and on about every single thing that had happened in Manchester. That was the thing about him, just give him the word and he would go miles talking about the same subject.

Finally, the bell rang signifying the end of the lunch and when I decided to get up from the chair that was when I realised how correct Grace was. I definitely needed to take the rest of the day off. I felt like I would pass out any moment now.

I glanced at Grace who was busy talking with Joshua. Even though she acted like she didn't like him, but he was the only male she could handle and deep down I knew that she had a soft spot for him as he did for her.

"Grace?" I called her making her look at me with two other pair of eyes.


"I think I should go home." In an instant, she was beside me holding my shoulders and looking up and down my body, crease of worry clearly evident on her face.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital, maybe get some more check ups?—Wait, did you take your meds? I fucking told you have it before the third lecture, you didn't, did you? I am so fucking stupid, I should have just shove it down your fucking throat, but no—" She continued to ramble and a smile instantly form on my lips and I hugged her which she returned without any further due and whispered in my ear, "Be honest with me Rosa, are you really okay?"

I nodded my head and replied, "I am completely fine, Gracie, just need some sleep. I am sure I'll be fit as a fiddle."

"Let's go, then." She said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Go where?"

"To drop you home, ofcourse."

"Oh, no, Gracie, please don't. Your class starts in"— I stopped to look at my watch before continuing, "exactly four minutes. Go before Mr. Fitzgerald hits you with a frying pan."

"That old hag can shoot me with a bullet for all I care."

Before I could protest any further, a rough voice spoke, making my entire body freeze, "It's okay, I will take her. I have this lecture free."

Grace turned and looked suspiciously at him. "Are you sure because I can definitely drop her."

"I have not got anything better to do anyways. You go attend your lecture and I will go and drop her home."

"Is it okay with you, Rosa? Or do you want me to drop you?" She asked and as much as I wanted to shake my head no, the look on his face clearly spoke that he would kill me if I tried as much as shaking my head to deny it and no matter how much I was going to regret this decision, I had no other option then to say,

"It's okay, Gracie. I'll go with him."


Ooh, cliffhanger?

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