Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 4

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Hey, Thanks to everyone who read my other chapters :) I am actually happy with the turn out :) So here is chapter for :)

Enjoy :)


The taxi pulled up in front of the airport, I got out and paid him for the ride. "Thank you" I smiled at the taxi man. I quickly got all my stuff out of the taxi and watched the taxi man drive away. I got in the airport, went through half of the security check and when I got to the top floor I saw Jamie getting out of his car through the glass windows. I thought to myself, he can't make it through here without a ticket so I am safe. I just have to wait another 20 minutes before I get on my plane to Spain.

I got tired of standing up, so I went to sit down and when I sat down. I noticed that the person beside me was Jamie...


Nicky's P.O.V


I couldn't believe it, my heart was beating so fast...how did he get here so fast. I was stuttering so much, I couldn't help it "Uh-h w-wh-what a-are y-y y-you d-doing h-here?" and Jamie replied with a cute smile "I'm here to say sorry, please come back with me", Jamie sighs "I need you and the baby, most important thing you both need me" he looked into my eyes. I actually started crying, I felt so pathetic but couldn't stop "J-jamie I d-don't n-need you, n-not anym-more".

I looked at him "Y-you chose S-Sarah over me, it's o-over" and he softly held onto my hand "Look Nicky, I love you and I promise", Jamie looked down "I will never hurt you or my baby again". I looked at Jamie "You are so pathetic, you're going to walk out on Sarah", I sighed "You are her boyfriend, not mine". "I don't love you anymore, I did but not now" I looked down right away, I was lying. I still loved him but couldn't face getting my heart broken again.

Jamie held my chin and lifted it up, he made our eyes lock together and said "Look, I want you and will do anything to get you, so name what you want". I sat there thinking how has he not learnt that I don't want him to buy me, I just wanted him to be faithful to me, but that boat had sailed already. I moved Jamie's hand away "I want you to go back to Sarah and look after her, for once don't cheat on her". I faked a smile, tears ran down my face. I tried to wipe it away but more kept rolling down.


Jamie P.O.V


I wiped Nicky's tears away "Nicky, please, I know you don't mean it", I stared at her and thought, I couldn't live without her "How about I join you at Spain?". She looked at me with a tense look "Don't you get it?! I don't want you!", "You broke my heart, just when I thought it couldn't get more broken, you seem to prove me wrong". I didn't know what to say to that, I just sat there staring at Nicky and how upset and angry I had made her, she was always so peaceful and I pushed her to a great distant.

Nicky got up, I grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me. "You can't just go, not like this" It felt like my heart just got ripped out of my chest and stomped on. I got up and looked at Nicky. Nicky hugged me tightly, it felt like she didn't want to let go. I smelt her hair, it smelt like lavander, my favorite. She looked at me, she came closer to me and gently kissed me on my lips. I never felt a spark like that before, then she turned her back on me and walked away.

I watched Nicky walk away, even I couldn't help but shed some tears. I walked out of the airport, feeling heart broken. I felt like a wreck, couldn't believe she just left me and took my baby with her. I made my way to my car, got in and turned on the radio. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars came on. Which was the song on, the night Nicky moved into my house. I just sat there, not starting the car up and listened to the song, silently.

The song finally finished, I closed the door, started the engine up and drove over to Sarah's house. I thought to myself, the only way I could live without Nicky, is if I do what she wanted me to do. Which is to look after Sarah and the baby, better than being alone with a broken heart.


Sarah P.O.V


I opened the door, I was so shocked "Jamie, Y-your back" and I didn't expect it but Jamie smiled at me "How could I live you and the baby?". I smiled "What about Nicky and your baby?". Jamie moved my hair away from my face, looked into my eyes and smirked "I love you, so how could I live without you?". I just felt fireworks in my stomach, I felt this warm tingling feeling inside and was so happy.


Jamie P.O.V


Sarah hugged me tightly, I didn't get that rush feeling and definitely did not feel sparks. While hugging Sarah, all I could think about was Nicky and how I wish she didn't reject my offer to go to Spain with her. Right then my mobile phone beeped, I looked at it and it said One New Message from Nicky. I smiled, I thought she wanted me back but it was just a message saying "How did you know I was going to Spain, out of every country?" . I replied back "You said you wanted to go there for our honeymoon...x".

So is this it? No more Nicky in my life and me being with someone I don't even love? I can't let Nicky get away, can I?...

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