Love Potion No. 9

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Friday wasn't a truly eventful school day for the teens. They all were starting to get more into their routines.
Evie and Doug were becoming really good friends and they were able to really open up to each other. "You know, if you wanted a castle so badly, you should really look into starting your own business. Your designs are awesome and I'm sure people would be lining up to buy custom originals of yours.", Doug gushed.

"You really think so?", Evie said not sure whether Doug was just being nice or not.

"I know so.", Doug beamed.

"Thank you Doug. You're one of the best.", Evie said.

The two went over each other's work in class. Laughing at Chad who wasn't paying attention whatsoever. "So, I know Chad is nice to you because you're the smartest student here but what are your other friends like?", Evie asked.

"Well, I have my marching band mates. No one you probably know and I guess I'm friends with Lonnie and Jane. Although with their new hairstyles they seem to be hanging with Audrey's group.", Doug kind of shrugged.

"Can I meet them?", Evie asked.

"Meet who?", Doug asked a little confused.

"Your band mates.", Evie answered.

"You do know that it is marching band and not a rock band, right?", Doug joked.

"Yes. I know. I just wanna open my horizons and make new friends as well as my old ones. Who better than friends of yours since you're an absolute sweetheart...", Evie poured out.

"Okay, maybe tomorrow then after our practice or if you wanna watch it'll be out in the field.", he offered.

With that Evie smiled and nodded. She was excited to meet more people in Auradon. The two went back to their studies.
     Lonnie sat next to Jay in Health Class. The lecture was on sexual health and how to prevent sexually transmitted infections among other things. Jay leaned into Lonnie, "Thank you for apologizing...I know it means a lot to the others.", he whispered.

"I'm glad. I also really meant it.", she said blushing.

Carlos ran into Biology. He saw Ben sitting there and tried looking for other seats. Everywhere else was full. He then took his usual seat. "Hey Good Boy.", Ben laughed as he patted Carlos' shoulder.

"Hey...", Carlos grumbled.

"What's wrong?", Ben asked genuinely concerned.

"Nothing...just miss my mom.", Carlos lied.

"Oh, I'm sorry Carlos. I almost forgot our breakfast muffins.", Ben said.

     Carlos was taken aback by that. He thought that once the Love Potion took over that Ben would've replaced everything they had with Mal. As he was thinking of this, Ben noticed the look in his eyes. "Listen, I know my break up with Audrey and my attraction to Mal has all of a sudden taken up my time but it doesn't mean I care for you any less. You've become my best friend.", Ben said.
     The friend word really felt like a stabbing pain at Carlos' heart. He saw himself as more than that but now had to accept that wasn't going to happen. He held back some tears and took apart the muffin only eating a bit of it. He wasn't hungry anymore. "Hey, so before Tourney Practice. I'm having the team do a special warm up. We're going to do a bit of dancing to keep us flexible.", Ben said enthusiastically.

"Okay.", Carlos said wanting to quit the team. At the very least he can say he danced with Ben.

"Mal, go to the Tourney Field as practice is about to start.

     This was the note that was found on Mal's locker. She had a strong feeling she knew who "Anonymous" was but she took the bait anyways. She had Evie walk with her. As they arrived at the Tourney Field they saw the team there. They were dancing and Ben started singing. It was a song about being in love. IN LOVE WITH MAL. Not only was the Tourney Team there but so was the Cheerleaders and the Marching Band. Word will spread like wildfire. Carlos was dancing by Ben's side but once he heard the lyrics, he had to run out of there. Evie, Mal, Ben, and Jay noticed this. Jay ran after his friend.
     Once Jay caught up with the boy in the woods he saw him crying, Dude was in his arms comforting him. "Hey, what's this about?", Jay asked.

"Go away Jay.", Carlos said sternly with a little bit of a sniffle.

"No. You've been acting weird and more recently upset.", Jay accused.

"Just go.", Carlos pleaded.

"Carlos. You're my best friend. You could tell me anything and that won't change.", Jay said.

"No I can't. This is one of those times.", Carlos replied.

"I don't buy that.", Jay shook his head now getting upset.

"Well you steal things, you never buy them.", Carlos tried joking.

"I'll have you know I haven't stolen in a few days.", Jay tried to defend himself. "That doesn't matter anyways. Just Carlos, I'm worried. Please talk to me.", Jay said.

"I love him.", Carlos cried.

"What?", Jay was confused.

"I love Ben and Mal has now stolen him from me.", Carlos explained through sobs.

     Jay stood up to collect himself and process this new information. Carlos looked up and reached out to Jay. "Please don't go! You said nothing would change. Please!", Carlos got scared.

"Bro! That's not what is happening.", He said as he grabbed Carlos' free hand and helped him get up. "Just, if you loved him, why didn't you say anything or even volunteer to be the one he fell in love with?", Jay asked.

"Because I didn't want you guys to judge me and I wanted the moments with Ben to be real. Not magicked.", Carlos explained.

"Well, let's skip practice and just chill in our room. You don't need to see his ugly face right now.", Jay said.

"His face isn't ugly.", Carlos muttered.

"Well it is if he isn't with you.", Jay said.

     They walked away. Jay held up Carlos as his legs were shaking as they walked. It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Their friendship was more secure than ever.

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