chapter one

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"Stop putting the camera on my face

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"Stop putting the camera on my face. I'm in labor, honey. This isn't a party." Francesca pushed the camera out of her face while her husband Daniel grinned at her disdain for cameras.

"C' mon, Franni, lighten up. You were the one that didn't want an epidural, not me." Francesca punched Daniel in the shoulder, and his grin grew wider.

This was their second child together after being married for twelve years; the love and excitement hadn't worn off yet.

Daniel was happier than ever. He was finally getting a son. A boy he could teach to become a God-fearing man, oh, how excited he was.

"Daddy, grandmommy won't let me play with mommy!" Gianna, their three-year-old daughter, came in with a loud over-dramatic cry.

Daniel swooped Gianna up in his arms and pressed a litter of kisses on her face. "Sweetheart, your mommy needs to rest. So your grandma is right." Gianna pouted and gave her best puppy dog eyes to her daddy, hoping he'd let her play with her mommy.

Francesca let out a soft giggle at the precious sight before her eyes. She loved seeing her two favorite people bond. It was always a pleasure.

"Dani, give me my little girl. I'm never too busy or preoccupied to be with my baby girl," Francesca opened her arms wide, and Daniel reluctantly placed Gianna in her arms.

Francesca kissed Gianna's temple and began to braid her hair. Gianna sighed in contentment at the closeness to her mother.

Daniel pulled out his video camera and filmed the sight before his eyes. Francesca had an angelic aura around her, and Gianna looked like a precious cherub. How beautiful.

An hour passed, and baby Grant still wasn't ready to make his grand entrance, or was he?

Francesca groaned in discomfort. The contractions were becoming more painful and closer by the minute.

Daniel looked up from his phone and raised his brow. Francesca forced a smile and shook her head. She didn't want Daniel to stress for her.

A few minutes passed, and Francesca began to feel even more pain. "Oh my goodness," She strained out as a contraction hit.

Daniel instantly perked up and ran to find a doctor, he wanted her pain to end, so he was going to ask if an epidural was still possible.

As Daniel ran out of the room, Francesca's pain worsened. It was a pain that was unimaginable. She couldn't bear it.

"She was groaning, and it sounded like she was in serious pain. I told her to get the epidural, but she wanted to go all-natural, which was a bad idea." Daniel didn't like the idea of Francesca being in pain, but she demanded to have a natural birth.

A fleet of doctors and nurses came running past Daniel and the nurse, making the nurse fall over from the strong wind. Daniel caught the nurse and wiped his brow. "I wonder where they're headed in such urgency."

Before the nurse could answer, she got a page. "I'll send another nurse to your wife's room. We've got an emergency in room 372," The nurse ran to the room, but Daniel stood in shock for a moment. Room 372 was Francesca's room.

Daniel snapped out of his daze and ran to Francesca's room. He didn't know what was wrong. He only prayed that she would be alright.

As he neared her room, the number of doctors and nurses scared him. He was greeted by Francesca's mom, Pauline, who was holding Gianna in her arms. "Daniel, we don't know what happened. All we know is that her heart rate dropped drastically in a very short amount of time."

Daniel walked slowly to a chair. He didn't know what to think. He couldn't even think. His mind was blank. Francesca could've be hurt, or even Grant. His mind was too empty for him to even be genuinely concerned.

"Daniel, the doctor is here to speak to us." Daniel's head shot up, and stood directly in front of the doctor whose name tag read Marshall.

"Mr. Watts, this was a very unexpected event, no signs of irregular complications. I'm so sorry. I will keep your family in my prayers."

Daniel's heart dropped at the news, but he had an unanswered question. "W-what of my son?" The doctor gave a soft smile and led Daniel and the family to where Grant was being held.

The walk to Grant's incubator was bittersweet for everyone, Daniel couldn't believe that Francesca was gone, but she left him two pieces of her beauty.

The doctor opened the door, and Daniel felt tears in his eyes. His son was so beautiful. Daniel carefully lifted Grant from the incubator, and a tear dropped from his eye. "H-he's so beautiful,"

Pauline couldn't handle the sight of Grant. He was the reason why Francesca was gone. She returned to the room where they held the body of her sweet Francesca.

"Why didn't you take him? They would've gotten over his death, and she would still be alive!" Pauline had angry tears running down her face. She was upset with God for taking Francesca away.

Daniel returned to the room with Gianna in one arm and Grant in the other. He wanted Grant to see his mother before they took her away, "This beautiful woman is your mommy. She loved you so much."

Pauline watched with a burning hatred for the newborn. He was the reason why her daughter was gone. "Daniel, I will not be part of that, things, life. He killed my daughter, and I will never see him again!"

Daniel's heart broke for his newborn. Not only would he never know his mother, but he'd also never know his grandmother. And although he wanted to question her, he knew better. "T-that's understandable. If you ever change your mind, please reach out to me." Pauline shook her head in disgust and quickly left the room.

Daniel sat on the edge of the bed with his blessings in his arms. He had no idea where to go from there, but he knew God had a different plan for his life. And while he didn't understand, the only thing he could do was just go with it.

"I will protect you both with my life. I'm so sorry that you couldn't meet your mommy, Grant, but she will always live in our hearts." Daniel pressed a kiss on both of his kid's heads and cried to himself as they slept.

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