Chapter 25

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I let Will lead me to a waiting carriage, his warm hand encircling mine as I step inside. While he goes to speak with the driver, I sigh and let my head tilt back against the plush leather of the seat, suddenly so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A small smile tugs at my lips. The stress, planning and risk was all worth it; the escape was a success. It will be hours still before someone discovers the guards left locked in the cell, and by then the commoners will be long gone. For the first time since I arrived at the Palace, I feel as though I have accomplished something. I feel like myself again.

I am jolted from my stupor when Will opens the door and climbs in next to me. He doesn't say anything and I don't ask where we are going as the carriage rumbles down the drive and through the gate. I stare out the window at the gilded Palace receding into the distance, marvelling at the way the lanterns illuminate the glass walls so starkly against the dark night sky.

As we roll down the empty streets, there is no sound but the tap of the horse's feet against the stone and Will's own soft breathing. The cool night air floating in through the carriage windows is pleasant on my face, rousing me and making me more aware of Will's presence. He hasn't said a word about the jailbreak and I can't be sure yet that he isn't completely furious.

Finally, the carriage draws to a stop. I don't worry about propriety this far from the Court and open the door myself, stepping out into the street. Clutching my skirts in my hand, I look about at our surroundings, confusion and happiness welling up within me.

"The market?" I ask as Will's shoulder brushes mine. Behind us, I can hear the carriage driver snap his reins and the horse begin its methodical plod back up the road.

"I figured this was as good a place to start as any." Will nods to the building closest to us. "Could you teach me how to climb?"

I grin, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the alleyway. In the tight space, I feel his breath on my neck, familiar and warm.

He stands back as I stoop and begin gathering my skirts. I pull the long fabric above my knees and between my legs, rolling and twisting the leftover material so that it is wrapped around my waist and tucked into secure folds. I look back up to see Will regarding me, a quizzical look on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Been working on that, have you?" There is a note of amusement in his tone.

"I like to be prepared."

"I should have known you would find a way to run in a dress." He steps closer, peering up at the wall while he unbuttons his starched vest, sliding it down off his arms before he loosens his collar. "So, how do we accomplish this, exactly?"

I am momentarily distracted and have to blink myself back into focus, following his gaze up the wall. "Same principle as when we climbed down. Look for window ledges and bricks that you can use as a step or a grip, and watch out for anything loose. You don't want to kick a brick down onto some unfortunate person on the street or, worse," I raise my eyebrow at him, "wake the tenant."

He has loosened his kerchief and broadened his stance, now standing in serious concentration. His eyes crisscross the facade of the building while his brow furrows in deep thought. I kick off my sandals, tossing them in a pile with Will's discarded vest before I jump up to grab a ledge and pull myself up the side of the building a bit at a time.

The thudding in my chest increases with the exhilaration of rediscovering my first love while my eyes pick out the familiar patterns, revealing my route. My polished nails chip on the brick as I pull myself up and over the roof edge, ignoring the muscles protesting from disuse.

The Runner (Part I of the Runner Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin