Chapter XV - Letting Go

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Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go

-Red, Taylor Swift


The King and Queen of England both survived the sweating sickness, everything seems back to its place.

After looking out for Henry for a week, Anne was granted a vacation to her home to have rest. Currently, Anne is sitting to her chamber, reading book but she was stuck on the third page.  She has no concentration on the book she's reading.

A lot of things happened in few weeks, she and Catherine are in good terms and Henry is giving her cold shoulder.  She knew that it shouldn't bother her but she couldn't help it.

She is having internal battle.  Her rational self saying that she should keep her distance to Henry, don't allow history to be repeated.  Her dumb heart is urging her to give Henry a second chance, maybe this time it will be different. Maybe in this lifetime, her head won't be cut.

Anne sighed.

There's a nagging voice in her head, giving warning.  Just because a few thing didn't not happen accordingly in the past, her ending will also change.

This is her last night to Hever Castle before going back to the Hampton Palace and Lola had already packed her things.

She needs to sleep early because she will be travelling first thing in the morning.

Anne forced herself to sleep that night only to be haunted with a nightmare.

Anne felt uneasy since she woke ip without Henry this morning. She waited Henry so they can go back to the Hever Castle together but it was almost night and no Henry.

It was 6 o'clock in the evening when Charles, Henry's bestfriend come along with the royal guards.

Anne was confused why they are here."What are you doing here, Charles? Did Henry send you to fetch me?"

Charles' face is unreadable, no emotions as he faced.  Charles bowed to Anne who he secretly hated.

"Queen Anne Boleyn, I hereby read you the decree that King Henry VIII summoned.  You are to be send to Tower of London and wait for your trial."

Anne did nit know what to feel with what Charles read.

"What are you talking, Charles?

The royals guard get her out and suddenly she was transported in her execution place. Anne She was about to run when suddenly Henry appeared out of nowhere with malicious gliny in his blue eyes.

"Do you think you can get away from this, Anne? You head will be served in a silver for me." Henry's laugh echoed in the air as Anne filled with anger and fear.

"Watch it, Anne.  Watch it carefully." Henry harshly hold her and made her face to the execution platform where she saw a woman walking with fierce and confidence but this woman is shedding blood tears as she walked into the last seconds of her life.

Realization hits Anne.  The woman is herself.

"Nooooo! Stop it! I am Queen Anne Boleyn, I order you to stop the execution!" Anne shouted but no one seems to hear her but her other self heard her as she looked at her vehemously, full of poison.

She laughed and shouted maniacly with a full of venom in her voice.

"Anne Boleyn, you are fool!!!! You did this to youself, to kill your own self!!! No one can stop this, even if you are the Queen of England."

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