The Beginning

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The first time I saw him I knew. I knew he was my mate. My wolf howled and cried to be near him. He was everything I could ever dream of. He was white but tanned and he had some of the prettiest colored eyes I had ever seen. His eyes were the color of the ocean on a summer day. I don't think there has ever been an interracial couple in my pack before. It would be nice because I do love white boys. His name is Luke Mason.

Luke Mason. My wolf purred.

I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. He was staring at me. I know, me a little black girl was probably not what he was expecting in his mate. Then, all of a sudden I was being pulled. It was Luke. When did he have time to get here? And then I was in a janitor's closet. Luke grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

Yes. Let him claim us. My wolf growled.

No, I protested, it was to early. Luke gently pressed his lips against mine. It was soft and romantic. Well not really, because of the setting but it really was.

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