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"Why on earth are you dressed in all black? You look like Elvira Mistress of The Dark." A concerned Maya asked Aria on Monday morning.

"I just felt like it, that's all. Where is Julie?"

"She's at home today, she was feeling sick. More importantly, where did you go the other night? I looked for you everywhere but never found you." Maya asked.

Flashbacks of the ordeal in the forest appeared in front of her eyes but didn't allow Maya to see her fear. Instead she faked a smile and kept her eyes trained in the direction of the classroom she was headed to. Discreetly she was looking for Rebecca but as for now she was nowhere to be seen.

"I was busy campaigning, we all agreed that was the main focus of the night. I did lose my phone at some point during the night though, so I went to go look for it. Sorry for not calling you back during the weekend to tell you both." 

"There is no need to be sorry, Aria, I just felt as if something was wrong. You disappeared early and never came back to the party, although some of Bobby's friends were talking about looking for you - did you come across them?" 

The information about Brody caused a slight stumble in her step but once she'd regained her calm she only shook her head no. Her disdain for Bobby as well as his friends had existed long before the party so thankfully Maya only chuckled and let it go. The sooner Maya would let go of last Friday's party the sooner Aria could continue to keep her mind trained on the prize. 

Aria felt like a different person as she passed her classmates in the hallway. They all thought she was the same person she had been last week, although today she had dressed differently nothing else about her seemed out of the ordinary - even if it had would they have truly noticed? But inside Aria everything had changed and could never return to how it used to be. Before she hadn't seen much cruelty or experienced it but after the party the world was no longer painted the same way, at least not in her eyes.

She wondered if Rebecca had felt exactly what she was feeling right now and if their outlook on the world were somewhat similar now. Never before had she thought she'd feel more connected to Rebecca George than her own friends, but right now that was her new reality. 

"Aria Willows," a husky voice, belonging to Brody, cut through her ears and had her stop, "I've been looking for you since last Friday. Can I talk to you?" 

Had she not promised Rebecca to keep her composure she would've clawed his face blood red but instead Aria did her best to breathe easy and look as indifferent as she had done before the party. 

"Anything you want to say to me you can say in front of Maya." Aria said in her most confident voice while Maya's ears perked up as she prepared to hear what Brody had to say.

"This is a private thing, it will only take a second. Maya if you don't mind--" Brody gave her a fake smile but Maya never moved. Perhaps she sensed that something was wrong. 

"If you can't talk in front of two girls at the same time I can't really help you here, Brody. Let's go before we're late, Maya." Aria pushed past Brody with Maya not far behind and without looking back they entered the safety of their classroom.

After taking their seats a tall blonde figure slid down next to Aria and oddly enough it calmed her. Rebecca George had toned down her glamorous look for today, perhaps in solidarity with her newfound friend, and had her hair in a ponytail. Never before had Rebecca sat next to them or even near them and suddenly here she was - not so discreetly either. 

"Can I sit with you guys?" Rebecca asked without really looking for an answer, to which both girls nodded quietly.

"Since when do we let Rebecca George sit next to us?" Maya whispered as low as she could.

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