Chapter 40

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Cain's POV

I smiled down at the sight of my mate sleeping peacefully in my arms. Her platinum hair was wildly strewn over my chest, and her naked body was covered by a fur pelt as we snuggled on the ground. The pack could feel that the bond had been consummated, and they knew to stay away from the Pack House for the time being.

Now that we mated, I could feel the bond pulling me harder than ever towards the feisty woman that lay in my arms sleeping. Our hearts beat as one, and our minds were more connected than ever. I could feel her emotions so intensely, and I knew that if she dropped the mental block she put up, I would be able to read her thoughts clearly. Despite desperately wanting to know what was going on in her mind, I respected her desire to keep her thoughts private.

I hadn't lied when I told her that consummating the bond would make me able to take on the weight of her pain. As soon as she fell asleep last night, I took on the full force of the pain she felt from Carter's death.

I nearly passed out from the raw suffering I felt as I took her pain. It was so intense, I had almost forgotten how painful it was at first for me when I became Alpha and a pack member died. My poor little mate. Her agony was mine to bear, and I was thankful that it was me who had the privilege to relieve her of it.

She had suffered so much throughout her life, by no fault of her own. Even though I knew she wanted no sympathy or pity, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the brutalities she had experienced, even some at my hands.

Guilt clenched at my chest as I recalled the night I almost killed her from whipping her. Despite her not holding it against me and understanding that the feral nature of my wolf drove my actions, I was reminded of my crime against her anytime I looked at her marred back.

I knew that Carter's death had hit her harder than anything else. I wondered if she had ever cared about someone's death before now. Her agony was so raw, it felt like it was novel to her.

I swore to myself that for as long as I should live, I would make sure that no harm would come to her. Despite my initial reservations about her ferocity, I was thankful that the Moon Goddess had made my mate so capable of protecting herself. I couldn't continue to live if anything happened to her.

Jax and I tirelessly worked to find out who had poisoned her and sent the rogues that attacked her and Carter, and we had even come close to breaking the case a few times, but all leads fizzled out. Jax was also deeply affected by the loss of Carter, since Jax was the Beta and Carter was the Delta, they often worked together, and their mates were both extremely close.

I was so proud of my Ares for the way she took care of Rose and Lily after Carter's death. However much she may fight her natural instincts, how she dealt with them was clearly her Luna inclinations.

I had been pushing all of the grief I felt about Carter's death to the side, until I took on Ares' pain. Wolves die. That's just a sad truth to pack life, and as the Alpha, I can't let my grief overtake me the way others can. The pack members depend on me to be strong and unwavering, so I can't show how much the pup's death hurt me.

Consumed in my own thoughts, I stroked Ares' hair and occasionally her partial ear (one of my favorite of her flaws, if you could even call them that). I loved her disfigured body parts from scars. They made her look impossibly fierce and deadly. She was a true Blood Luna.

Ares' visage was tranquil for once, and dare I say, almost even happy? Her eyes were closed, not squinted in pain, and her lips almost curled up into a hardly noticeable smile. Her breathes were deep and I could hear air slightly whistling out of her nose. This moment was perfect, and all I could have ever asked for.

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