25. Mistake!!!

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Helloo dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Sorry yaar.. Even i too want to give multiple updates.. But iam not such a great writer like those who can give twice or thrice weekly updates..

As u all know.. Iam a lot poor in english.. So i need more time to write..

So please understand and adjust

This chapter iam going to dedicate it to

ugiyana, namyajain, kanchantu, Kalpana04

"Trust is something which is difficult to gain yet easy to loose"

Just random thoughts..

Okay.. No irrelevant talks or speeches today.. Coming to our story..

Rakesh pov..

I went inside the room.. She is sobbing at the corner.. I reached her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

'Rakesh... He... He.. ' she said with eyes full of tears..

I couldnt be able to look at her in such a devastated state.

The shining smile she always used to have is gone..

'Vaishu.. What happened..?? ' i asked worried.

'Abhinav.. He assaulted me rakesh.. He doesnt respect me.. He treats me like.. his slave.. He.. He.. beats me everyday.. ' she cried loud. Looking at her crying figure i felt like it will be better if i die at that moment.

she captured my collar and looked in to my eyes.. Her eyes are full of red with congestion.. They are asking me many questions.. 'Why.. Rakesh.. Why you left me?? Why didnt you chose me? Why did you marry her..??'

'Vaishali.. ' i held both of her hand..

'I miss you rakesh.. I still love you.. I can never be happy without you.. Please take me with you.. ' she said leaving my collar taking a step away..

'Vaishali' i said trying to hold her hand..

'Hold me rakesh like you always wanted to' she moved a little closer and placed her head on my chest.. I embraced her.

I closed my eyes.. There is blankness.. She left me.. i opened my eyes still there is blankness..

The fragrance of vaishali accumulated in my nostrils.. I moved closer to her.. And placed my hand on her small waist..

Her smooth warm skin.. Makes me want to touch her more.. Vaishali didnt even refused me..

I moved closer inhaling the fresh fragrance.. But this fragrance is more addictive than the one she always used to have..

I moved on top of her and placed one hand on her waist and other hand rubbing the smooth skin over her neck.. I stabilised her head preventing it to move away from me.. I lowered my head and placed soft kiss on her collar bone.. She took a long breath.. I can feel her raised heart beat.. Its becoming louder like mine.. Iam feeling vibrations all over body..

I kissed more on her collarbone with soft kisses.. She moaned involuntarily by pulling my hair with her soft hands... It increased my pleasure..

I started kissing over her chin whispering "Call mm my mmnamme"

"Whattt.. " she asked confused.. I moved my kisses towards her lips..

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