(15) - Becky Is Mean

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This chapter is dedicated to @dehradel for commenting and voting. Thank you so much. Also, a comment from that last chapter said I should make chapters longer. Should I? Anyways, enjoy.

Issac POV (a/n: This is when Autumn leaves to the director's office in the previous chapter)

Becky is my babysitter. Mommy tells me she's here to take care of me. I don't need a babysitter. I'm a man but mommy thinks I'm her still a baby, I'm not a baby! I'm only tree years old, I mean three.

And if I wanted someone to take care of me I want my mom. My mommy is the best mommy in the world. She cooks for me and plays with me and makes me laugh.

Becky is mean. She doesn't play with me and I don't like it when she comes. It's Saturday and I hate it. My mom said she had to go somewhere. Going to daycare is fun but mommy says I can't go because it's the weekend and it's not open.

I don't like Becky because is mean and she never pays attention to me. She's is always talking on her phone and tells me about her boyfriend. She's gross.

Girls have cooties and are ugly. Sarah, a girl at the daycare, said she liked me. I don't like her. She's annoying and is always with other boys.

I miss my mom. I want her to come home. Becky doesn't give me food because she says she's too busy for that.

I don't tell my mommy that she's mean because my mommy has other things to worry about.

"Hey, kid! Make me food!" Becky's annoying voice yells at me.

"I-I don't know how to..." I mumble, looking down to my feet.

"Well, learn and go make me food." She shakes her head in anger, "God, this kid is so annoying."

Flipping her blondish hair back, she ignores me and talks on her phone.

I miss mommy. I miss daddy.

I don't like her. I told you she's mean. I want to find mommy. My mommy is nice and Becky's always mean.

I want to leave. Looking up, I see Becky talking again with her boyfriend. She doesn't care. Am I mean? Am I not her favorite? Am I too dumb?

I can't say some words sometimes but I can undersand I mean under-understand. I want Becky to like me and play with me.

"Hurry up kid!" I pout sadly, going into my room. "Haha, yeah that kid is so stupid. He wants me to play with him like what... I have other things to do. Baby, yeah yeah...what no!" She laughs, "C'mon on."

I cry hearing Becky. She's mean and she's a bully. I don't want to be here. I want to find mommy.

I don't want to cry but Becky is so mean. I grab the little stool mommy uses when she gets food on top of the fudge. Heavily pushing it from my closet, I place it right above where the clothing is. It's big to push but I do it.

See, I'm a man.

I step onto the stool placing my tiny hands first, then slowly like mommy does, put my feet on the steps. Grabbing a few of my favorite clothes and toys, I get them and throw it- I mean them on the ground.

Fast like Lighting Mcqueen I get all my things and get ready.

"Haha, that's funny. The little brat is so dumb. He can't even talk. Anways, are we still down for this weekend?"

My lips tumble as I hear her. I sadly look down to the baggy I put my clothes in as I start to cry.

I want my mommy.

"Hold up, I need to go use the bathroom," Becky leaves her spot on the couch, ignoring me.

I look down at my baggy, wiping my tears.

I'm finding mommy.


Looking around the city, my mommy says it New Fork. There's a lot of people but I know I can find my mommy. I'm a man so I can do it. Walking around with my baggy, I see people staring at me like they have something stuck in their face.

Sometimes I spill milk all over my face, so I undersand why they look like that. They probably have milk on her face too.

I smile because I know my mommy's around and Becky's not here anymore. I walk and walk all the way down of the street.

About fifthtween minutes later, I see the lights changing and other people walking. My mommy always says I can't cross unless I look both ways and hold her hand.

I grin happily, almost skipping. I look up seeing a man, "Excuse me, mister?" I tug one of his pants. Woah, he's so tall. I want to be that tall.

He looks fancy. He has a suite. I love suites! Mommy always puts one on me when we go to parties. The man looks around, wondering who called him. Duh, it was me. Is he ignoring me too?

I pout in sadnesses, "Hi," The man responds. I jump happily that he answered. He doesn't hate me.

I point down to me, the man nods his head like a doggy when I play with Rufus. I tug his pants again, "Can you please hold my hand? I want to cross the street," I say, smiling holding out my hand.

The man eyes pop out like Tom, in Tom and Jerry. I laugh because it's funny. He looks like the cat. But he bends to my level so that I am taller.


I take his big hand in mine and take him with me when the light turns green. I jump up and down, skipping in happiness. The man walks me across the big street.

I grin when I see a park over there. Reaching the other end, I release the man's hand as he looks at me weird.

"Thanks mister." I wave my hand back at him. Throwing my baggy over me, like Santa Claus. I skip happily as I see the park.

I find mommy later.


That's it for this chapter! I'll be updating tomorrow or on Saturday

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That's it for this chapter! I'll be updating tomorrow or on Saturday. Make sure to follow me to know when I will be posting! Anyways, thanks for voting and commenting it means so much.

Love, The Author


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