What Did I Agree Too

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Once we got in the car, there was a girl in the driver's seat.

"Damn Zach, what took you?"


She turned her head and I was met with brown eyes. She stared at me for a moment, and a big smile formed on her face.

"Well hi there."


She turned around and started the car. Taking my bag off, I leaned back staring down at my lap. Glancing at Zach, he was staring out the window. I can't believe I am doing this, and I let out a sigh.

Lifting the hoodie over my nose, the scent started to relax me. I heard a chuckle beside me, and I turned my head. He was staring at me now, and I felt my cheeks burn.


"You love my hoodie huh?"


He smirked at me, before leaning over to my ear.

"You love being in my clothes, Melissa."

He whispered in my ear, and I felt a shiver run through me. Jerking away some, I stared at him with a glare.

"What are you talking about?"

"The hoodie is mine."

My eyes widen, and I shook my head at him.


"It's the truth, check the back."

I quickly pulled the hoodie up, and I felt my shirt start to lift some.

"Oh boy, a strip tease."

Pulling the hoodie over my head, he ran a hand down my side. My body trembled, and I jerked away pulling my shirt down. I threw him a glare, before turning the hoodie over. There in clear letters were Zach Matthews.

Slowly laying it down, I stared at him shocked.

"So you were the guy from the park?"


Blinking a few times I slowly pushed it toward him. He raised an eyebrow and pushed it back.

"No wear it."

Staring back at it, I shook my head pushing it back.

"No, you take it."

He sighed rolling his eyes and pushed it back.

"No serious, put it back on."


"Would you believe me, if I said your arms are turning me on."

I stared at him blankly, and I shook my head.

"No, I wouldn't."

"You should, there just such a creamy pale...

He leaned closer running his fingers down them, and I could feel my heart skip at beat.

... they're just so pure looking, makes me want to dirty them."

His voice seemed to deepened, and I felt my body tremble. He had a smirk on his face, but his deep blue eyes looked completely serious.

"Ok, I'll put it on."

He leaned away, and I pulled the hoodie back on. I heard the girl chuckle, and I bit my lower lip.

"Look there Zach, you've gone and scared her."

"She'll be all right."

"It's that attitude right there is the reason you don't have a girlfriend."

He didn't say anything, so I glanced at him to see his scowling out the window. I found this kind of cute, and before I could stop it, a bubble of giggles fell out. He snapped his head to me and squinted his eyes.

Looking away, I saw we had pulled up into a driveway. The house was kind of on the big side, and Zach opened the door.

" Thanks for the ride Sis."

"No problem."

He got out, and I slowly got out as well. Pulling my bag over my shoulder, I closed the door. The girl the rolled down her window.

"Oh and pretty girl...

Turning my head to her, she smiled giving me a wink.

... if Zach gives you a hard time, don't be afraid to whack him a few times."

Smiling I nodded my head, and I turned to see Zach had made it to the door. Running to catch up, he gave me an irritated look.

"Come on."

He opened the door, we walked inside and I looked around. He had a pretty house, and he sighed motioning to follow him. I followed behind him, and he led us into a living room.

He sat on a big couch dropping his bag down. Slowly I sat down too, and he leaned back.

"Damn, I'm starving."

Yeah, that's right, we left the school because he was hungry. He then stood up and just left the room. Looking down, I probably should take my shoes off. Slipping out of them, I pulled the hoodie off as well.

Soon he came back in with a sandwich and I stared at him. He plopped down on the couch, and I stared at him blankly. Is he serious and he turned to me.

"Oh my bad, did you want something?"

Slowly I shook my head and turned I need to cool off.

"Actually, where is your bathroom?"

"Ok through that door, up the stairs, and second door to the left."

He managed to say between mid bites of his sandwich. Nodding my head, I stood walking out the room. Walking up the steps, I let out a sigh. Is he really going to tutor me or what. Stopping at the top of the steps, did he say second door the left or to the right. I think it was the right.

Walking to the door, I opened it and like everything went in slow motion. Some kind of stuff fell from out of nowhere soaking me. I screamed falling back, and three guys popped out. They were all smiling until they saw me.

Staring down, I lifted my hands to see I was covered in something sticky. I heard footsteps behind me, and I lifted my head looking at all the guys. Was this planned, is this why he wanted to bring me here. To embarrass me, in front of his friends.

"What the fuck?"

Zach was now behind me and I was on the verge of crying. Standing I turned my head, glaring at him hard.

"Was this your plan? Get me to your house just to pull something like this."

His eyes widen, and I moved past him once I felt my tears falling. Running down the steps, I tried wiping my face, but I only made my face sticky.

"Wait, Melissa, Damn it wait a minute."

My arm was then grabbed and I turned my head back to him. He had a frown on his face, and I tried pulling my arm away.

"Let me go."

"No wait a minute, I didn't plan that I swear."

Looking in his eyes, he slowly let my arm go. He then sighed scratching his head.

" I'm really sorry about that, you can use my shower if you want, and then I promise to teach you anything you want."


"Yes, I promise."


I don't know why I gave in so easily I guess I'm easy to persuade. But serious what did I get myself into. 

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