This is not real

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***When you get to where she is alone thinking singing Fight Song Please listen to the song while you read the next it is was what I was listening to when I was typing that part.

I was walking into the clearing near a clear blue lake. I must be dead. I didn't even get time to know Colton. Why is this happening to me why!?! I continued walking closer to the lake so I could sit down and think. Maybe I will cry as well. Once I sat down I thought about how my life was so short and how I didn't even give my mate a chance. "Ashton?! What are you doing here?" I looked up to see a black haired blue eye beauty. She was beautiful. Looked like she was about 5 foot tall. I didn't realize who it was. "who are you?" I asked skeptical. "Selene, I'm the moon goddess. You promised not to open up anymore... But why are you here?" I looked down. "I found my mate, he was using a girl at school to make me jealous it didn't work. That time I was going to give him a chance, but then seeing him with her made me mad due to the fact he said he'd give me space... I ran away and then got kidnapped. The guy stabbed me after he realized I told Colton where I was..." She nodded. "You don't belong here yet. I have good things to come to you. beware your family and the pack will take war out on Coltons soon. you will have a few months to get ready... At that time if you do not fully mate with him They will win and take you away from him." I looked up at her. "Selene.. I'm not ready to mate yet... I'm scared he'll hurt me.. beat me.. or something else worse... He can turn out to be like my dad." I whimpered. She nodded. "I understand but he isn't there is a reason you are mated to your packs enemy.. it is to save you from a fate far worse. If they take you they force you to mate with Ethan and you'll be killed within the first weeks of marriage." I nodded. "Okay. I want to go back but I just need time to think here. can I have a moment to myself.? " She nodded "Of course, Just remember I'll be back when it is time for you to go." I nodded. 

When she left, I sat by the lake singing Fight Song by Rachel Platten. I went through my past, My father and mother loving me till I was 8 years old. When I first shifted and they first found out that they were having a son, They started hating on me, beating me, doubting me. Calling me ugly names. Making me feel worthless, useless, Vulnerable, Making me doubt my mate. Making me think he wasn't looking for me. Making me fear everyone I talk to. Well Now I am taking my life back, I'm turning my power all the way up and I'm going to fight them and show them not to mess with me. I'm not ever going to give up on something I feel so strongly bout. I knew now what I needed to do. "SELENE!!!" I yelled out for her. "Yes my daughter?" I smiled at her. "I'm ready to go home and face the fight. I'm ready to show them who the boss really is.. I'm ready to accept and mate with Colton.. I won't back down. I will take my life back, I will make my future what it needs to be.. How do I go back?" she nodded smiling at me. "You are a tough one, a strong one. You will be powerful." She kissed my forehead and everything went black. I felt like I was falling in the air. I saw my body and fell into it.


Its been a month since she's been in a coma and she still hasn't woken up yet. I've been in my wolf form for a month and if i didn't shift back I'd be stuck like this, if she dies. Scarlet kept checking on me. "She'll wake up bro, I promise. She is a fighter, a strong alpha female. She won't give up on her life. She barely lived it." I whimpered and laid down on my stomach my head on my paws. She might not, what am I to do if she don't? I Whimpered into her head. "Declare war on her old pack. If she doesn't..." 

I woke up with a jolt. "Luna You're up !!! I have to tell Colton!" A guy said. "No... I want to surprise him..." "Jason I'm the beta" jason smiled. "Thank you.. Will you take me to Colton please?" I sat up and stood. "How long have I been out for?" I asked scared to know the answer. "A month... Colton.. he isn't taking it good. He's stuck in his wolf form. He won't change back. His wolf won't let him. If you want to surprise him, block out your scent he'll smell you coming" I giggled and blocked my scent off before leaving the room following Jason. He led my to the alphas office. "Thank you" I whispered softly.

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