chapter 8: a road trip to hell

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The chemical odor still lingered in her nostrils.

Numbness covered her body like a blanket, wrapping her up in a state of paralyzation. Queasiness rumbled her stomach, causing her to dryly swallow it down. She had to pry her heavy eyelids open to just a squint, her eyes immediately watering and causing tears to fall from their corners. She couldn't see anything through the tears that blurred her vision. She never remembered having allergies this bad.

Out of instinct, she went to move her hand up to her face to wipe the tears away, but her wrist only budged against metal, a jangling sound coming from behind her. Her eyebrows threaded together in confusion as she tried to move her wrists again, this time being met with a sharp pain on her wrists.

She hissed, attempting to squirm in response to the burning pain, but her body wouldn't budge. She realized that she could not move. An attempt at moving her feet only made her realize a pressure on both of her ankles keeping her from being able to lift her feet.

Her body went into fight or flight mode, as her breathing loudly accelerated and she began squirming as hard as she could, only getting the constricted feeling of being trapped. She managed to finally open her eyelids, being met by blackness. After blinking hard a few times, she realized that either she had gone blind or she was blindfolded. Horrified by either one, she began thrashing her body as hard as she could against the restraints and screaming as loud as she could, ignoring the burning sensation in her terribly dry throat.

The blackness was abruptly stripped away, a bright and unexpected light filling her eyes and blinding her. She yelled out at the pain of the light invading her pupils, the muscles in her eyes contorting at the feeling, and she let her head hang downwards to get relief from the light that was in front of her.

Finally, she blinked her eyes open and looked down at her body. She was in her grey sweatpants and black tank top that she had fallen asleep in the previous afternoon, her arms bare and cold. As she looked down to her feet, she saw that they were both cuffed by chains that were attached to large, circular weights. She tried to yank her feet up, but the weights must have been eighty pounds or more, for she could not lift them up in the slightest. Her eyes trailed up her own body, as she realized that there were ropes tied around her upper waist and her shoulders, keeping her firmly tied against whatever it was she was sitting on.

Raising her head up and finally looking around, she realized she was in the passenger seat of a car. The seat was a beige leather, and so was the door to her right. To her front was a black dashboard, and she could see that the car was driving on some road she had never seen before. It was a completely empty highway.

Her mouth watered as she felt sick to her stomach. If the car was moving, that meant there was a driver. She didn't want to know who was driving the car she was restrained to, mostly because she didn't want to be right about it being the first person she guessed it to be.

Taking an easier gulp due to the saliva building in her mouth from nausea, she slowly turned her head.

There she was. The jet black hair that had been haunting her life was pulled up into a bun, a few long strands hanging out over the woman's ear. Two green eyes stayed fixed on the road, lightened by the broad daylight flooding the inside of the car. Perfect skin grew two small dimples as two dark pink lips spread into a closed smile that was unreadable to the half-dazed August. The two green eyes turned to meet hers and, along with the batting of eyelashes, the two lips parted and revealed white teeth that seemed to mock the girl sitting there staring at them in fear.

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