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I sat on the bleachers facing my team. A clip board was balanced on my lap while I tapped my pen on my leg. I felt all the girls eyes anxiously look at me.

“Okay, we have 10 games this season. We play every team twice. Annnnnnnd, let’s see… We have to win at least 7 games to first get to sectionals than at least 4 after that to get to state.” I flipped through a few more papers. “We lost our first game…”

“No we didn’t!” Clair said.

“Yeah, we didn’t even get to play!” Jasmine added.

“Well it was chalked down as a loss.” I told them.

I wrote down a few things on my paper before continuing, “So we have 8 games left. We won one and lost one.”

“We have 1 more game this week, and three next week.”  I informed them.

“What about homecoming week?” We only have 1 home coming week, and it’s ooooooon-“ I flipped through some more papers, “On Tuesday.”
Loud groans broke out between all the girls, “But that’s when the parade is!”

“Well, I guess we’re just going to have to miss the parade this year.” I said sadly. I wasn’t happy about this any more than they were. I let my clip board fall of my lap as a leaned back. I had never realized how hard it was to coach a team and be on top if stuff like this.

“Well, I guess no practice today. I see some of you are still recovering from whatever that was yesterday, and maybe rest day will do us all some good.” I finished saying, reaching to shove my clipboard back into my back pack.

The girls let out a sigh of relief and started to disperse. Some went back into school to pick up their things, while others went to their cars. Brit and I lingered. “So who was that guy who picked you up yesterday?”

“My chem partner.” I told her.

“Ohhhhh, so that’s Jason!” Brit exclaimed, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Yeah… He… He kinda asked me to homecoming.” I pulled on my fingers, as knots formed in the pit of my stomach.

“What did you say?”

“Well, I asked for some time. I just  broke up with Bryce. Just the thought of being with someone else is like salt in my cuts. It’s a painful thought.”

Brit opened her mouth to say something, but immediately shut it. We sat there in silence, as the wind whipped our hair around.

“Hey Summer?”


“Would you mind coming with me to the doctor? They’re going to do an ultrasound and I don’t want to be alone.”

I gave her a reassuring smile, “I’d love to.”


Brit and I walked down the white hallways of Memorial Hospital. The all too clean smell burned my nose.  Brit led me to an office at the end of the hallway, where she checked in. She came to sit down beside me. “The lady at the desk said I should be called back in a couple minutes.”

“Are you nervous?”

“A little.” She admitted.

“Britney Rockavitch?” I female voice called.

“Are you serious!? Whenever I go to a doctor appointment I have to wait an hour before they call me back!” I said in disbelief.

Brit chuckled as she got up. We walked over to the nurse who wore bright pink scrubs that hard Hello kitty all over her pants. The nurse gave us a wide smile. “Hell, you must be Britney. And you are?” she asked looking at me.


“She’s my sister from another mister!” Brit answered.

“Oh, you two are half-sister’s?” she asked motioning for us to follow her. I was about to correct her, when I saw Brit shake her head.

She brought us to a room and told us the doctor would be here in a couple minutes. I half expected the doctor to show up as soon as she said that, but she didn’t.

Brit laid on the table, nervously biting her lip. I reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She looked at me and gave me a nervous smile.

“Hello, hello!” the doctor said as she walked in the room. She grabbed a clip board and flipped through some of Brit’s info, “Okay Miss Britney, I see you 5 weeks pregnant, and today we’re going to be doing a ultrasound.” She said with a bubbly voice.

She pulled on a pair of gloves and got out and grabbed a bottle of some sort of jelly. “Could you please roll your shirt up?” she asked. Brit nodded and rolled up her shirt. The doctor leaned over and squeezed some of the clear jelly onto her stomach. Brit gripped my hand harder as the doctor started to rub a metal thing on her stomach. The room was filled with a rabid beat.

“Well, would you look at that.” The doctor said to herself.

“What?! What is it?! Is the baby okay?!” Brit asked franticly.

“Babies.” The doctor corrected.


“From the looks of it, you have twins!”


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