Chp.12 - Suck It Up, This is Not a Movie

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I open my eyes only to be blinded by the sun outside. I shield them with my arm and turn to the opposite side, noticing this bed is way bigger than the small one on my dorm.

Shit! Where am I?

I quickly sit on the bed causing a twist on my stomach and pain to shoot on my head. I lay back down with a grunt, the world spinning.

Okay, let's just stay calm. I am all alone here.

I slowly move my head to the right, facing the window. The purple curtains had been closed but still a small gap of light came into the room and was inconveniently directed to the purple and white pillow I have my head rested against. The brightness is too much and I have to quickly turn away again.

I sight relieved. I know this room. I've been here before. It's Cora's!

Justin Bieber scratched baby face stares at me from the opposite end of the room. Cora, on her fangirling phase, had glued the poster to the wall and never managed to take it off. She used to hide it with other posters, only held by tape (she had learned her lesson), but had taken them all to her dorm room.

There was a flower shaped bedside lamp and even a shelf full of dolls that kind of creeped me out. Now, the only grown up aspect of the room was the king sized bed.

I move to get up and finally notice what kept me warm at night. I am wearing Aeson's hoodie, the Spider Man one. I remember being mad at him, and then drinking a lot, after that it is all a blur of laughter and confused thoughts.

A disturbing thinking makes me move faster than my major hangover allows me, and I raise the hoodie's end to find my bikini still there.

Oh thank you, God!

In a relieved movement I put my hands on my head, one of then brushing on something on my forehead. That's something I don't remember.

I get up on shaking legs, the floor is cold against my warm feet and I tiptoe to the attached bathroom. One look at my reflection and I avert my gaze.

Wow, no one should have to look at that, not even me.

I look sick, like deadly sick. My skin is pale, the dark circles under my eyes accentuated, and curls so messy someone could take me for a bush. Not to mention the Hot Wheels band aid on my forehead, where did that come from? Afraid of what I could find if I took it off, I left it there.

I tied my hair on a bun to not scare the poor individual who could stumble on me. Maybe I didn't need to worry, that seemed to be no one home.

My stomach grumble echoes on the silent house as I make my way down the stairs. Would it be so bad if I just got something out of the fridge?

When I enter the living room, I almost jump out of my skin with the sound of a snore.

Sprawled on the couch, a leg and arm hanging out, is Leo, open mouthed and drooling. I take a moment looking at him, he is still on his swimming trunks and with no shirt in sight. Must have fallen asleep on the first soft thing he landed. Another snore scapes him and I smile to myself, he can't look peaceful even on his sleep.

I approach him with silent steps and squat beside him. I pull his leg to put it on the couch, it is heavier than it looks making me almost fall on top of him and ruin my plan of not waking him up. I also get his arm on the couch and softly raise his head to put a cushion under it. I pass my hands through his curly bangs, taking them out of his face. He is in serious need of a haircut, even though he could definitely pull out the long hair look. The jerk is handsome, and unfortunately he knows it.

Not so soft steps come to a halt and make me turn my head to the kitchen door, where Aeson is standing looking from me to Leo.

I feel like a deer caught up in headlights. I didn't expect to see him so soon.

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