65| I'm Better Than You, Logan Pierce

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65| I'm Better Than You, Logan Pierce

65| I'm Better Than You, Logan Pierce

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EVERYTHING officially hit me. I was officially freaking the fuck out.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, the gold graduation gown covering over the dress shirt I wore underneath. The graduation cap was sitting on my vanity just waiting for me to put it on. But I couldn't do it just yet. I was freaking out, stuck in place, staring at myself in the mirror and unable to move. I was giving a huge speech today, graduating, and not to mention, getting momentous news that would either make or break my college career.

Okay, maybe that was a bit of a hyperbole. But still. It was still a lot.

"Noah, honey!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "We have to leave any minute now! Are you almost dressed and ready to go?"

I sighed and finally built up the courage to grab the cap and place it on top of my head. The red tassel fell to the side and I left my room. I walked downstairs to meet my mom who was waiting for me. Her smile grew at the sight of me.

"You look so handsome! Ugh, my boy is so grown up," my mom gushed, stepping forward to fix the way my gown was.

"Thanks, mom."

"Okay. We have to go. Your father and sister are already in the car. Time to head out!" My mom exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

The car ride to the school was nerve-wracking. The graduation ceremony was always held in our football stadium, so it wasn't a long car ride. But that didn't change the fact that I was shitting my pants. I was valedictorian, giving the biggest speech of my life thus far. What if I didn't remember everything I wrote? What if I got up to the podium and had the biggest stutter of my life? Or what if I just straight up passed out?

"You're not gonna pass out," Amelia said, shaking her head.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"You said all of it out loud," Amelia informed me. "Even the part about you shitting your pants."

"Language, Amelia," my mom warned.

Amelia shrugged. We pulled up to the school parking lot and my parents and I went separate ways. I made my way towards the field where all of the seniors were standing in neat, organized lines waiting for the music to start to play. Then, we would all walk and find our seats on the chairs on the field and the graduation ceremony would begin.

I walked around the field until I found Logan and the others all lined up next to each other. I smiled and ran up behind Logan, wrapping my arms around her. She spun around to face me, grinning and pressing her lips gently against mine. That feeling would never get old.

"Noah Locke," Jordan greeted me, slapping my hand.

"The man with the speech," Cayden said. "Is our amazing valedictorian ready to blow us all away?"

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