2: Hiding and the Death of an Old Friend

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It has been two days since my father informed me of my engagement to Prince Leven. My father's guards caught me almost instantaneously as I tried to escape from the kitchen, and I was locked in my bedroom all day (with a maid and food of course) as punishment. Prince Leven arrived yesterday, and although I tried to have a mature conversation with him about our incompatibility, he refused to listen and told me he 'loved' the chase. Stupid, inconsiderate, presumptuous man! He must have been dropped on his head at birth, along with 98% of the rest of the male species.

I have currently been forced into hiding, as Prince Leven has taken it upon himself to shower me with pointless gifts and compliments that I do not want to hear. My father has doubled the guards at every door and window around the castle, meaning it is impossible for me to escape without being seen. I am trapped – a prisoner in my own home. It is all the desperate Prince Leven's fault. Apparently, even though our marriage is inevitable my father instructed him to woo me so that I will accept our engagement quicker. What he really means is to butter me up, but I am proud to be unbutterable. I have had a lot of practice guarding my heart and pushing every suitor away over the years, so that I do not fall for the curse of love. I have confidence that eventually Leven will tire of my difficultness.

He has to.

Unfortunately for me, my so-called future husband has a reputation for being an ugly idiot, meaning girls are not exactly lining up at the door to marry him. As the sickly heir to the smallest country in the world – Smodor - only the most desperate of gold diggers would view him as a potential mate. His very appearance creeps me out, as he is an albino, meaning he is incredibly white with pink eyes that seem to puncture into your soul. No one wants to wake up next to that in the morning! I may have a heart attack and die! Therefore, you can imagine how happy Leven is about the chance of marrying me, a beautiful Princess of one of the most powerful countries in our world! He will be set for life, and his Kingdom will have protection and powerful allies. I cannot imagine being married, let alone to someone whose Kingdom takes a week to travel to from my own, and is blisteringly boiling for seven months each annum. My perfect pale skin will simply fry, and then I will die! However, my father will not listen – apparently, this is my punishment for being so difficult.

I am currently in the theatrical throne room, where my father meets with important guests, hiding behind one of the heavy, lustrous red curtains. I have been in here for nearly an hour, but I will not escape until I absolutely have to. Listening to Leven's nasally voice for even a minute more may result in violent consequences for him. Moreover, if he calls me 'pet' again you can be certain that he will have a couple less teeth to boast about his thirty drooling dogs with.

Suddenly the ornately carved wooden door flies open, causing me to jump and squeal before clamping a hand over my mouth and remaining dead still, praying that Leven has not found me already.

"Are you quite sure? The King is dead?" My father's emotional voice fills the room.

Peeking out of the rich red curtain, I notice my father collapsing into his jewel-encrusted throne, along with his advisors Lord Baron and Lord Temple standing next to a distraught Royal Messenger. Oh my, I hope it is not Leven's father who has died! My father will rush the wedding between us so that I will be crowned Queen straight away! What am I going to do? Will I have to fake my own death?

"Yes sir, he passed away peacefully in his sleep last week. His son Prince Nikolaos is being crowned as King next week, and he was hoping you would accept his invitation to the coronation as means of a truce."

Thank heavens it is not Leven's father who has passed onto new horizons! His premature death would add momentum to my ridiculous marriage.

"He was a bastard but a good man." My father shakes his head mournfully, and momentarily a stab of fear shots through my heart at just how old he looks.

It also occurs to me just who it is that has died - King Archelaus of Kustrington. Sadness over comes me, as I have many memories of him and his son Nicky from my childhood. I cannot believe he has died... my father is sure to be saddened even if they have not spoken for years, for some secret reason, because he was his closest friend at one point in time. I wonder how Nicky is doing. His mother died in childbirth with his younger sister, who also sadly died, so now he is an orphan. It was one of the things we connected on as children. I wonder what he now looks like? He was but a boy when I last saw him, but now he is a fully-grown man at twenty-one summers. Suddenly I find myself wanting to go to Kustrington to see Nicky after all these years. Will he remember me?

"My daughter Princess Bellatrix and I along with our party will be there." My father announces after a couple of moments.

Instantaneously I am flabbergasted. My father is willing to put their rivalry behind? He has not spoken of King Archelaus or Nicky for years, and now we are to travel behind enemy lines? Death does strange things to people.

I find myself jumping as yet again the door is flung open, and Prince Leven bursts in rudely, an angered guard behind him trying to stop him from intruding. A look of contempt overcomes my features.

"Ah, King Casimir! I wonder if you have seen your lovely daughter Bellatrix, I seem to have misplaced her!" The stick-thin Prince giggles oddly.

Everything about him makes me have violent urges.

"Prince Leven, I am not sure where my daughter is at this precise moment, but there is a matter which I have to bring to your attention." My father pauses for dramatic impact. "King Archelaus of Kustrington has passed, God's bless his soul."

"Oh, how sad. He shall be missed, my old pal Archelaus. Anyway, where should I go to find Bella?" I grind my teeth in frustration at his unnecessary nickname for me.

"No, Prince Leven, I do not think you are understanding King Casimir. His royal highness and Princess Bellatrix will be travelling to Kustrington for the coronation of Prince Nikolaos." Lord Baron steps in.

"Yes that is right. So I am afraid we will have to put the engagement off for a couple of weeks whilst Bellatrix and I are travelling, and you will have to return to your Kingdom." My father carries on.

"Yes!" I yell triumphantly.

Whoops, did I say that aloud?

"Who was that?" The haughty Lord Temple gasps.

"Come out at once!" My father thunders and I groan inwardly as I know I have been sussed out.

"Hello father..." I grimace as I ungraciously tumble out from behind the curtain, several pairs of surprised eyes zeroing in on me.

My father looks angry and disappointed, but not necessarily astounded.

"Princess Bellatrix, what on earth are you doing behind the curtain, sneaking around? You should be entertaining Prince Leven!" Lord Temple accuses. I have never liked him much, nor him me.

Ever since I was born, he has been plotting to get rid of me since I am not a male.

"That's enough Gower. Nevertheless, he is right. What are you playing at Bellatrix?" My father asks warily.

"I was hiding from my 'betrothed'." I announce, tossing some of my midnight black curls over my shoulder.

"Princess Bellatrix! You look stunning my pet; I have been trying to find you! Will you take...?" Prince Leven starts.

"Ugh, for goodness sake will you get it in your head that I want nothing from you? Leave me alone!" I growl before starting to storm out.

"Bellatrix!" My father gasps.

Oops, I am in trouble again. With a wicked grin, I leave everyone stunned in the room, excited to start packing for my reunion with Nicky.

If I knew then just what was going to happen in the land of Kustrington, maybe I would not have been so eager to go.


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