Not Supposed To Happen

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You were sitting in the grass, picking idly at the blades in front of you. Aiden and Connor sat next to you, lounging in the morning sun, their eyes closed.

You had ridden for about half an hour in the forest before the twins pulled off into a small clearing. Wildflowers were sprinkled around the clearing and there were dappled spots of sunlight as it filtered through the trees.

You glanced at the boys, analyzing their calm and relaxed demeanor. They were almost never like this. They were always tense, but now, they seemed peaceful. Your brow furrowed at the thought as you looked harder. Peaceful was never a word you thought you would use to describe the princes, but it fit them in this moment.

"What's wrong dear?" Connor murmured as he leaned back on his arms and looked at you lazily.

"Nothing." You mumbled as you looked down at your lap.

"We felt your gaze on us." Aiden turned to you and offered a half-attempted smile.

"Well," You glanced between them again, "You two are acting different."

Mei stomped the ground and Connor looked over, "How so?"

"You're calm. It's weird."

"We are capable of most emotions despite what you think." Aiden said with a laugh. "But how is that weird?"

You bit your lip as you tried to link wildflowers together to distract yourself, "You two are always tense and...crazy. Seeing you sit still and just take everything in is...different to say the least."

Connor smiled and leaned his head on your shoulder, "Do you want to know a secret?"

"What kind of secret?" You asked as you glanced at him before returning to your task.

Aiden softly moved your face towards him, "We've been coming here since we were very little."

You raised your eyebrows a little, "Really?"

Connor laughed, "Yes. Our nanny would bring us here when our parents didn't want us running around the castle. There's a small stream and pond over a little ways and she taught us how to fish and swim."

You scanned the forest and listened but there was no sound of water.

"We come here to reflect too." Aiden murmured as he looked back up at the sky, "We talk to our parents here, vent our frustrations, things like that."

Your eyes widened, "I didn't know this place was so special for you."

You heard a collective sigh from them and turned to see a faraway look in both their eyes.

"We talk about you here." It came out of Connors mouth abruptly.

"Me?" You inquired as you maneuvered more flowers around.

"After we'd met you for the first time, we came out here. We told our parents that we'd finally found someone to fill the hollowness that their death had left."

You turned to look at Connor, "But I thought you weren't close to your parents."

Aiden let out a small laugh, "Having your parents die is tough, close or not. Our parents might not have spent a lot of time with us, but they were still family."

Your cheeks heated in embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." Connor murmured as he laid down completely, "We know what you meant."

You pulled the whole circle of flowers together and held it up, admiring your work.

"You're good at that." Aiden commented as he glanced at it.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now