Babies Or Not

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Yoongi's POV

Taehyung is annoying.

Taehyung is extremely annoying.

I took a deep breath before facing the stubborn goat. "Tae can you please stop crying."

"But you said his name." I didn't want to yell at him because I knew his emotions were all over the place since he was nearing his due date but I have had enough.

I stood up done with this emotional wreck of a cousin and walked into my room. I laid on the big comfortable bed and let my thoughts drift away.

It has been three months since that foul wanted to leave me in this world without my daily dose of boxy smile. Taehyung was in his last trimester, the ninth month and is a week from his due date.

Over the past two months he's been out of control. He was extra extra large and basically used his size and my innocent cutie pies to get away from chores and anything that couldn't be done on his laptop.

Like the time I asked him in the nicest way possible to please unload the washing machine he said he was too big to bend down so he couldn't do it. Or when I asked him get his delivery from the door he said picking it up could disturb the sleeping babies inside of him when in both situation he was just lazy as hell.

He also has been really sensitive lately. I had to watch everything I said and even when I said the right thing he heard the negatives he wanted to hear and became a bipolar human. He went from angry to sad to angry again before going to being happy it was confusing.

What had me pitying him was the times he'd cry when he heard Jungkook's name and anything that reminded him of Jungkook. Like what happened this afternoon. I had slipped and mentioned something about Jungkook and Taehyung bawled his eyes out for an hour before I left. This one was especially hard for me to deal with. It was clear Taehyung missed him and still loves him. Even when he denys it he turns to a sobbing mess when he heard a thing that had to do with Jungkook.

I sighed. But Taehyung taught me something though.

And it was that I shouldn't get Jimin pregnant.

Jimin was a mild Taehyung now. I shivered wondering how he would be when he gets pregnant.

Jimin and I have been dating for a while now.

Sorry I thought wrong. Jimin and I have been dating for a while now in my imagination.

I am still trying to get my boyfriend in my head, or better yet my future boyfriend, to notice me. Jimin was a tease playing hard to get when he was clearly aware of our existing bond. I'd wait for him to come around though.

He is worth the wait.

I walked back to see Tae face timing his online bestie. I was glad he was making friends even if it was a client. The guy was pregnant too and was set to deliver the day before Tae making them become best friends and talking about how they'd raise all three babies together.

I looked closer and saw the guy was crying too. "Oh TaeTae you crying about the mention of your ex is making me cry about you crying about the mention of your ex" he sobbed out.

Holy Mary please help me. I rolled my eyes at their antics when I saw Tae nod his head before crying more and saying"I know. I'm crying more now because you are crying about me crying about the mention of my ex-"

"Oh for the love of all things holy will the both of you stop this dramatic display" another man on the screen cut Taehyung off beating me too it. "I'm trying to sleep Seokjin and your and Tae's drama is preventing me from doing so." Both of the pregnant people stopped and pouted.

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