Chapter 10

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Jace's POV

"Get the fuck out of here!" I yell at the slut laying next to me. I can't believe I missed Haley's call because I was with whoever the hell this girl is that is now leaving my apartment. I haven't been the same since Haley left three months ago. Fuck my life. I promised her I would always be there for her and now she's in some motel room covered in blood. And who the hell answered her phone? I didn't even ask him for his name. If he fucking touched her, I'll kill him. Please God, don't have let him hurt her.

I speed the entire way to address that the guy who answered Haley's phone gave me. I was supposed to protect her. I promised her... I promised her that I would protect her the day I met her.

~Flash back of when Jace and Haley met~

I'm locking up the gym after my shift when I hear voices. "Please let me go." A girl cries out from behind the alley of my brother's gym.

"Come on baby. Let us show you a good time." Some guy tells her. While two other guys laugh.

"Let go. You're hurting me." She cries out.

Running towards her I yelled, "Get the fuck away from her!" The three guys' eyes widen when they see me. I'm a scary looking guy. Solid muscle and tattoo going down both arms, neck and my back. The guys take off running and I want to chase them, but the girl is sitting there crying. I get a good look at her and she's covered in bruises and cut but I've never laid eyes on something more beautiful than her. She's an Angel

Kneeling next to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Please le-leave me alone." She whispers.

Holding my hand out to her, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, but you can't stay here. It's not safe." She finally looks at me and I speak softly to her. "Come on. Let me take you somewhere safe."

Completely shocking me, she takes my hand. "Okay." She whimpers. I swear if I wasn't standing next to her I would have never heard what she said next. "Th-Thank you! I'm Haley."

"It's nice to meet you Haley. I'm Jace."

Now having her hand in mine, I realize that she must have been living on the streets for some time. I walk her into my brother's gym to get her some new clothes and let her to take a shower. She's even more beautiful all cleaned up. There's something about her that draws me to her. "Do you have a place to stay?" I ask.

Looking up at me, I can see the sadness and fear in her eyes when she begins to answer, "Jace... no... but I will be okay."

"You can stay with me and brother. We have a spare bedroom you can use."

"But Jace, we... we just met, and I-I have no way to pay you back..."

"Haley, it's okay. I promise."

"Thank you, Jace. Just for a couple of days, and only if you are sure it's okay." She smiles and hugs me. For the first time in a long time I truly feel happy. I would do anything for her. I'm falling for a girl that I barely know, but I'm okay with it.

"Yes, it's okay!" I hug her tightly back. "I will always be here for you. I promise. I promise to always protect you."

"You sure do like to make a lot of promises." She giggles.

"Only for you Haley. Only for you."

~End Flash Back~

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