17-Intimidated. Love

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Jax's POV

"Really? Are you sure?" Nick asked. "Cause you seemed really against the idea."

"I thought about it and I changed my mind." I responded.

"You thought about it for fifteen minutes."

"Alright I trust you on this." He sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

"Is there anything I need to know? How does this work?" I asked.

I've never had an affair before. I don't even know how people can keep it a secret without being guilty or regretting it.

"Its not that hard, its just like a one night stand. Except it goes on for several nights and sometimes the day."

"But how do I hide it from Jessica? What do I tell her when she asks when I'm gone?"

"Just tell her there's a big meeting so you have to work late."

"And if she comes to check on me?"

"Tell her you're on your way home. That you finished early."

"Ok. Makes sense."

"Now the hard part: Finding someone whiling to date you."

"Um I don't think that's going to be a problem. I can just go don to the mailroom and pick someone's letter."

"It can't just be anyone Jax. It has to be someone whiling to date someone who already has a girlfriend and someone who can keep it a secret. And all those letters come from girls who would love to rub it in their friends faces."

"Well that doesn't leave us with a lot of options. Who is whiling to do all that?"

There was a knock at the door. Jade opened the door.

"Jax, Jessica called letting you know that she has to work late again. Something came up." She said.

"Alright, thank you Jade."

She left my office and closed the door behind her.

"She's perfect!" Nick exclaimed as soon as Jade left.

"What!? No!" I gave him a look.

"Oh come on. We know she doesn't have a boyfriend and she hid the fact that she had a sister so we know she can keep a secret. Although I'm pretty sure her and Jessica have some kind of history. I always see them glaring at each other."

"Still I don't know. She's my assistant. Do you know what a cliché that is?"

"You sound like a girl right now. Affair can mean a lot of different things. You guys don't have to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

"How would I even ask her?"

"You don't have to ask her right away, or ask her at all. Just let it happen and things will naturally fall into place."

"How do I start out?"

"Ask her to dinner. Say its work related but ask her stuff you would normally ask on a date."

"I'll go ask her right now then."

"No wait." He stopped me. "It's best not be forward. You know what she's like. She'll find an excuse not to go. Write her a note with the date, time, and place. That way she has no choice or she won't try to convince you to change your mind."

"How do you know how to do all this?"

"I love being faithful but sometimes a guy needs a little adventure." He smirked and got up from his chair.

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